New GSP Puppy Doesn't Want To Go For Walk Questions

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by Sean Melchionda, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. Sean Melchionda

    Sean Melchionda New Member

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    New GSP Puppy Doesn't Want To Go For Walk

    My fiance and I just got a GSP puppy. He is awesome! He is 10 weeks old. Everything seems great except for the fact that he doesn't like to go on walks. He is reluctant to leave the house. When on a leash he sits at the edge of our property and stares at us. Sometime we pick him up and walk for a bit and then put him down. He will take a few steps and then stop and sit again. When we have him out and about (by carrying him) he seems really eager to meet people and other dogs. (Although we haven't let him interact with other dogs or walk on grass because he has yet still to have had his final shots.) When its time to go home he has no problem running back to the house. He can even find his way back on his own. Any ideas what may be going on here? He has so much energy its a shame he doesn't want to get out off the property and work off some of that energy. I was thinking we should just keep taking him out and maybe he will get used to it, but also, we don't want to traumatize him and cause behavioral problems for him later.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    First, do not let him greet every dog and person passing by, even after he has all his shots. That can make him nervous and/or excitable as an adult. If you let him greet everyone now, later you will be dealing with an adult dog who expects to greet everyone. And that means pulling and jumping and barking. Teach him now to calmly pass people and other dogs - that they are of no interest.

    As for the not wanting to walk issue, remember, he is just a baby. The world is a big and scary place. Home is safe. And that's actually a good thing - you want him to see going home as being safe. If he ever gets loose, he will be more likely to stick around home instead of wandering off.

    To encourage him to go for walks, go slowly. Don't expect him to go around the block right away. Start by encouraging him past the neighbor's house. Use treats and praise to reward him for each few steps he makes. Walk 2-10 steps, then stop and give him love and attention. Then come back home. If he handles that, next time after the love and attention, take another 2-10 steps, give him love and attention and return home. Always make his progress a positive experience. If he hesitates, let him choose to return home. Giving him choices in what he does will help build trust in you.

    And if he just wants to stand outside and smell the bush or flowers, let him. He's learning about the world - all this stuff is brand new to him. Remember, dog walks are for the dog. Make sure he gets to experience it like a dog - with all his senses. Don't be that person who won't let the dog sniff a fire hydrant because "we're walking" - that's no fun for a dog. If he wants to sniff that hydrant for 10 minutes, then let him, he's enjoying himself. If he wants to stare at the squirrel, let him. As long as he doesn't try to run after it, let him enjoy watching it.

    Think of it like going to a museum. It's no fun if someone is dragging you from room to room and not letting you stop and look. You want to slow down and be able to experience the artwork. You may not stop at every painting, you may not make it through the entire museum, but you'll have thoroughly enjoyed your visit.
  4. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Chris B and Toedtoes like this.
    Great reply @Toedtoes.
    I would add, are there any puppy classes near to you? Your vet surgery would probably be the best place to ask. You should look for one which only uses positive reward-based methods - no pulling, jerking or shouting. Puppy classes give the opportunity for controlled interaction with other babies, and will give you guidance on the first steps in training a well socialised dog.
    A good book can be an asset as it's always with you. The Perfect Puppy by Gwen Bailey is an old favourite which keeps being re-issued. It is easy to read and gives lots of sound advice. Various editions are easy to find online.

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