Need help making a decision Which breed for me?

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by bfetterman, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. bfetterman

    bfetterman New Member

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    Need help making a decision

    My mom's birthday is coming up and of course I need a birthday present. Now, one thing about my mom is she has always had dogs in her life. When she was growing up, all my grandpa used to get her was GSDs, and when one passed away, he would get her another. Then, when my family was in the military and had to go to the Phillipines, my dad got her dogs. Not all were GSDs but her most beloved (which my dad made her leave behind :009: ) was a GSD named Trouble. My dad ever since has not let her get the one breed of dog that basically completes my mom. Now, my question is, should I buy her one for her birthday?

    Some things to consider:
    - I know the color pattern she loves on them
    -I know what gender she would prefer
    -it's something we had actually talked about, I told her I would buy her one
    -recently, she has said she's not sure if she wants one because of my dad and his attitude :009: , but then a minute later expressed how sad she was because there were some in the paper and she wanted my dad to get her one :?

    I'm the only one in my family that has ever put much effort into her birthday, and I don't want that to change just because she lives 10 hours away now (they just recently moved to Nebraska). Advice?
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  3. Chris

    Chris Member

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    My advice would be to talk to your dad first. If he agrees, then take mum along with you to look for her present so that the dog is her choice
  4. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    i agree - ask dad first and get him on board and then let her choose her puppy

    i set the whole thing up as a surprise for my boyfriend. took him away for the weekend and before dinner presented him with a box with a little collar and lead inside. he burst into tears when he realised he was going to pick hi very own puppy the next day :)
  5. krlyr


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    In a household, everyone has to be willing to deal with a dog. Even if they're not the main carer, it does affect them - they have to remember to close doors behind them, not leave dangerous objects lying around, risk having their personal belongings chewed, listen to the noise of a whining or barking dog, get covered in dog hair (especially with a GSD!) and so on. If your dad doesn't want a dog then I think it is best to wait until he does or there will be resentment in the household and the dog may detect it (plus a lack of cooperation from him may affect the dog's training/behaviour)
    Does he feel that a GSD doesn't suit your lifestyle? Does he not like them for any particular reason, e.g. he's afraid of them? My stepdad really didn't get on with my GSD Prue (her hip dysplasia and quirks did make her a difficult dog at times) - she was there first so he made do but it was very obvious that when she passed away, he wouldn't manage with another GSD, hence getting Kiki (he likes big dogs and loves Rotties but his experience with Prue put him off GSDs I think) and when him and my mum moved house they ended up adopting a lovely little Collie x instead. I think my mum could have pushed for a GSD but she knew it wouldn't have been made as welcome and decided that a different breed was best for everyone. She just makes the most of getting a GSD fix when I visit with Casper!
  6. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    What a lovely idea. :grin:
  7. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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    Its was one heck of an expensive weekend all told! :) worth every penny though.

    and what ive saved on not going on holiday for the past 5 years means am prob quids in LOL! (nb im on the verge of being sacked by boyf for avoiding going on hol so i dont have to be without my boy)
  8. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    I think it is sound advice to speak to your Dad first. Everyone should be up for the idea I think that is best.

    This dog could live up to 15yrs or more, so it's a long time to make a wrong decision that they have to live with.

    Very thoughtful and lovely idea that you've had though - would just double-check;-)

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