My brother has had a NI dog for 3 months now. The dog was a young adult when he got him, having come from a happy home where circumstances had changed. He really is the most beautiful dog I have met - apologies to my lovely BC - and a great deal of fun when we walk together. He does need to be quite firmly handled as he is so exhuberent and rushes about with an enthusiasm that is not always reciprocated or appreciated by other dogs and their owners! However, he doesn't seem to have a nasty trait in his body and has a great zest for life. Today he had us in stiches leaping about like Tigger, all four feet off the ground and as he is a tall dog, going quite high in the air. He seems to love amusing people and has this huge smile with his great long tongue hanging out. He also jumps on tussocks of grass and pokes around in a very excited manner with his nose. We've just realised he's mousing as you can hear the indignant squeaks of the mice he's jumping on! I'd love to know of any amusing behaviour your NI shows!
Yes, my NI mouses, bouncing both front feet off the floor into the hedgerows. They are a very comical, dopey breed!
Jess is a right little charecter already she is 7 months old, 8months on the 11th April. She also loves to please everyone and shows off like a drama queen! She always gives her paw to shake hands before anyone asks her, she loves to get praise for being so clever and today when my mum was giving her and her dog a biscuit she started begging (sitting on her back legs) she learnt that herself copying my mums dog, clever girl! I think the 2 most amusing thing Jess does is her Meerkat impression when she is being nosey and cannot see over a bush for example she sits on her backlegs, paws dangling in the air just like a Meerkat, except she usually has her tongue dangling out over the side of her snout and the other thing she does is her Grasshopper impression when she is in tall grass she boings over it like zebadee! I could go on all day about how fantastic Jess is, the Northern Inuit is the most amazing breed I have ever known, I know that this will be my breed of choice forevermore! :smt007
I think the funniest thing I've seen Luca do recently is when she thinks she's found something in the grass, she bounces on it with her front feet (the same way a polar bear does when it's found a seal under the snow) It's quite funny to watch, maybe she's got a bit of an indentity crisis going on
Its funny shumani does his tigger impression too. What cracks me up is when he was a puppy (he has only just stopped doing this) both his back legs would move together when he ran - like a rabbit. Which amused Karma as she is fast and gracefull when she runs and he could never catch her although he is getting quicker now, so she had better watch out. Let me have a think as there are so many amusing things these dogs do.
This is very remiss of you ;-) ;-) ;-) I want to know all about your border collie please (in the Pastoral section)
Vienna also does that 'mousing' thing and the crazy 'tigger' impression through high grass. She also makes me laugh how she tries to start a game with murphy... she will pick up his favourite toy and trot past him, right infront of his nose, then she turns round and bops him on the head with either her rear end or a big paw! Also whenever i pick her up from my mums (she goes there when im at work) she goes so crazy to see me! She's squeeking and crying and making a right racket (probably sounds like she's in pain!) with a huge grin on her face, giant slab on tongue hanging out and winding round me legs like a cat! So she's a mousing, tigger-like, cat-like clown! Whatever she is i love her to pieces and will miss her like mad while im on holiday!