Myths about the bull breed General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Jenny234, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Jenny234

    Jenny234 New Member

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    Myths about the bull breed

    Hi there, i thouhgt i would post this, as i have met a few people with a bull breed dog who think that their dogs can lock their jaws. Ive pasted this from a site, and although it is talkin about pitbulls, it is also relevant to all bull breeds in general.

    Dispelling some myths about Pit Bulls:

    -Is it true that Pit Bulls can lock their jaw?
    The infamous locking jaw is a myth. The American Pit Bull Terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. All dogs are from the same species and none have locking jaws. Dr. I Lehr Brisbin of the University of Georgia states, "To the best of our knowledge, there are no published scientific studies that would allow any meaningful comparison to be made of the biting power of various breeds of dogs. There are, moreover, compelling technical reasons why such data describing biting power in terms of 'pounds per square inch' can never be collected in a meaningful way. All figures describing biting power in such terms can be traced to either unfounded rumor or, in some cases, to newspaper articles with no foundation in factual data." Furthermore, Dr. Brisbin states, "The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier."

    -Are Pit Bulls naturally aggressive towards humans?
    While many Pit Bulls do tend to be aggressive towards other DOGS (as are most terriers), the normal, well raised Pit Bull has NO human-aggressive tendencies! In fact, human-aggression was actually bred out of the breed. The majority of Pit Bulls are affectionate, intelligent, trainable dogs. In fact, the highest obedience trial record of all time is held by an American Pit Bull Terrier named Maddy!

    -Can Pit Bulls "turn" on people?
    In fact, no breed of dog does. Dog aggression is nearly always preceded by some kind of warning, and there is always a reason behind the attack. However, many inexperienced owners do not recognize the dog's behavior as aggression, or refuse to acknowledge it as a warning sign. The only exception I can think of is Springer Rage, a rare and controversial neurological condition that manifests itself as a spontaneous attack, followed by confusion, and then a return to normal behavior. Pit Bulls are NOT prone to this condition. There are individual dogs of any breed that may be more aggressive to others.

    There is a breed called "Pitbull"

    NO! There is no " breed" or type that exists the way the media use it!
    It's really a reference title-
    "Pit Bull" is a pet name of the ONE breed named with "Pit"
    The American Pit Bull Terrier -a dog bred from the same UK dogs which created the Staffordshire Bull terrier, and from ancient mixes of bull & terrier breeds in UK.
    Known for years as a "nanny dog" for its safety with children and family, even though it was bred for dog fighting when bull & bear baiting was outlawed.
    Dog aggression is NOT human aggression OR gameness of Terriers!
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  3. Jenny234

    Jenny234 New Member

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  4. jackiew

    jackiew New Member

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    awww what sweet pics :D
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    That is very useful info Jenny :) thanks for posting it,I found it most interesting . So many people have misconceptions about various breeds don't they? :D To my mind there is a place in this world for all dogs of every breed. :p
  6. Kirsty

    Kirsty New Member

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    My mum always said that pitbull type dogs can lock there jaws... i did try and tell her they don't, she didn't believe me... she thought she knew better... and still does. :roll:

    The only difference between dogs jaws are the biting power... (bite per square inch) i think :oops: ... like her dog (Alsation) jaws are no way as powerful as a Bullmastiff, Cane Corso, AB... and so on.

    I hope i have explained that right :)
  7. Jenny234

    Jenny234 New Member

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    yeh thats right i think? my parents still think my indie is dangerous and that all bull breeds attack humans. They cannot be persuaded differently. Just lucky i dont live with them huh
  8. Kirsty

    Kirsty New Member

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    Just found this fact...

    A Pit Bull bite is three times worse than a Rottweilers.

    A Rottweilers has 800psi (Pounds Per Squire Inch Jaw Pressure).

    A Bull Terrier has 1200psi,

    A pit bull’s bite force is 2000+ psi plus.

    I don't agree with the above, as no dog locks its jaws

    And i don't agree with this either... if i'm right in guessing that if you breed a Staff and Bullmastiff, you get a Pit Bull... :roll:
    And there jaws do not scissor back and forth... :lol:

    I have to find this site again... to have another look :roll:
  9. Ozzy_AmericanBulldog

    Ozzy_AmericanBulldog New Member

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    Unfortunately guys, you can tell someone something till you are blue in the face but it wont change their minds.

    The American Bulldog has the strongest jaw pressure of all.

    Really interesting facts though, yes there are some human aggressive Pit Bulls, but i truly believe they have been meade that way, i fuss Pit Bulls every week and all they want is a fuss and to lick you to death :lol:

    Ozzy xxx
  10. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Interesting reading Jenny.

    My neighbour had a Pit Bull and I would trust him with my kids before I trusted my Rottie, and she adored children.
  11. Kirsty

    Kirsty New Member

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    What... stronger than a Pit Bull??... i read somewhere that the AB can crush a cow's or Bull's knee... so that is strong i suppose.

    I can imagine a Pit Bull is very much like a AB is some ways... (soft) unless provoked... and very dangerous if fallen into the wrong hands.

    Someone at the Ed Reid show thought Chester was a Pit Bull... red nose Scott with devil eyes (yellow) :lol:
  12. 3dognight


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    hey guys, iv got 2 pits and 2 dogos,30YEARS EXPERIENCE,they do not lock there jaws,imposable.proven.the pit is soooooo misunderstood,iv seen them all 100eds have passed though my doors.its there power that makes them dangerious.but yet iv got 2 dogos that have the ability to tear a pitbull in half, nobody sees the dogo as a threat because all the y see is pits.all of my dogs i could leave in a preschool class for the day,there well trained.they also have the ability to take down a 350 pound pig on the hunt, come home and chill with my kids and all there friends....we as humans quickly add up the damage a dog can do and make desisions opon this. example ..most would appoch a cocker spainal,most would not a pitbull..the cocker bites more folks than all other dogs. we dont see those images,or hear of it.les than 6percent of all reported dog bites are from pits...dogos.up untill today they were not in the news so much.will pepole remember this? probably not...its not a pit bull.its the way it is for the pit.nothing will ever change.i dont rehome pits unless you have kids!!!!stunning,powerfull,and there is no other dog as loyal to you as a pit...ill stop now:shock:
  13. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Please note this thread is 8 years old. :)
  14. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Eight years old and the same stuff still get spouted.

    I have read many studies on the the power of different breeds bite. Some say one breed and others say a different breed.

    Its a given Pit bull jaws or Staffords jaws don't lock fact.

    To measure different jaw strength they would have to measure a lot of dogs because in one intence a rotti may have a stronger bite that a pit and then it could turn around with two different odgs of the same breed. There are other factors that would have to be taken into account. Such as muscle ttone on individual dogs. The reason for biting. The mind set of the dog in a situation.

    A Pitbull is a dog nothing more nothing less.
  15. Tang

    Tang New Member

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    I think these ancient postings getting dredged up is due to the 'similar threads' link at the bottom of the screen - not everyone checks the date! Also if you 'google a problem' it will return relevant results for the search terms you used without consideration for age of the info (unless you search smart and most don't).

    Shame really because I was tempted to ask how you know a dogo can tear a pit bull in half - unless you've seen one do it? If you haven't, it's surely the same as all the talk about 'bite'?
  16. 3dognight


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    ooops.i did not see that it was8 years old,thats about my learning age...sorry and, yes i have seen it, not something you would want to see and i did not take a pic ,the dogo actully ate half of the pit...check out some vids on the dogo while on the hunt.the damage a dogo can do on pig is my rescue efforts /pits and dogos...the dogo is so much more than a a breed, in many ways...respectfully
  17. 3dognight


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    there all, just dogs, in the right hands.and what is wrong with the old stuff. its good info for those who are new,young and maybe people who are not looking at the age of the got your attention...shall we carry on?respectfully
  18. Wild Rose

    Wild Rose New Member

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    I was told that the Bouvier des Flanders has the strongest bite. Had one many years ago. DH took him to personal protection training class. The padded suit, which was guaranteed to be dog proof- the 80 pound Bouvier ripped apart.
  19. dougs85

    dougs85 New Member

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    i cant remeber where i read this but im sure i read that the larger breeds had the strongest bite as in mastiff breeds due to them having the bigger jaws bigger muscles etc?
  20. jade the sbt

    jade the sbt

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    sorry about posting in an old thread but something caught my eye in the OP... saying about a pit bull being bred from Staffordshire bull terriers.. I thought they started off as entirely different breeds? dunno why I think that and may be quite wrong :/
  21. dougs85

    dougs85 New Member

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    the pitbull was bred from the early staffords or pit dogs that the early settlers brought over to america

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