My next dog Which breed for me?

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by PB&J, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    My next dog

    I've been thinking on about dog number two and could do with some thoughts on what kind would be best for my situation.

    Whether you have had dogs previously

    I grew up with two mixed breeds and currently have a GSD cross.

    Your circumstances - do you work etc?

    I am my mum's carer so am at home all day

    How much time you have for exercise

    Between one and two hours daily. It varies but Gelert generally has an hour plus every day.

    Whether you have children, other pets etc

    No children in the house but my mum has six cats

    What characteristics you are looking for

    Small to medium sized, ideally short coated. I definitely don't want a dog that needs daily brushing and/or professional grooming.
    Nothing too high energy, a playful dog that is willing and able to keep up with Gelert and his rough and tumble, and will keep him company.
    Obviously must be ok with cats.

    What breeds you have already looked at and your thoughts on them

    Staffies (and crosses) - I adore these dogs and the vast majority around here are very dog friendly and get on fabulously with Gelert as they're equally OTT :p I will likely be rescuing this time round so hardly a shortage...

    Jack Russell - someone talk me out of this one. Please.

    Beagle - Love them and think they're a good match for me but don't know if they're Gelert compatible...

    Greyhound - Just a thought. Bigger than I'd like and there's the cat issue (I know it can be done but...).

    Any suggestions much appreciated :)
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  3. pippam


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    I think if got a greyhound it would probably be more advisable to get a pup that way it would grow up with more respect for the cat. Met a greyhound I was mugged for a kiss and nearly pick pocketed o.0

    Staffies are great dogs ive personally never known one to be aggressive and ive met a lot of them to feel annoyed when the press give them a bad rep.

    I would get a puppy beagle as id imagine they have a strong prey drive and their is no telling how a rescue would take to 6 cats. Dogs tend to love their own cats and dislike others Millie is like this she tries so hard to befriend the cat and Pebbles just looks at her with disgust and ignores which makes Millie frustrated.
  4. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    to be honest with what you have said, and that you want to rescue too, i really would go for a staffy. :grin:

    i think they are great dogs, and so many are dog friendly, and have such nice characters. ive met lots of lovely ones, and wanted one years ago when i was first looking at dogs, but my nana wont let me have one.

    i think getting one from a rescue, when there are so many in there is also doing a great thing, and giving that gorgeous dog its new home :grin:
  5. STGSD

    STGSD New Member

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    I would deffo go for a staffy, sounds ideal for you and they are fantastic dogs :) Plus sooo many in rescue, and you'd be saving one of em :)
  6. Zuluandnaomi

    Zuluandnaomi New Member

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    I'm totally biased but if you can take a staffy into your life you will never regret it. They will be your best bud for life and you can get plenty in rescues that have been cat and dog tested.
    They have very short coats so are really low maintenance and an hour or so good exercise a day is plenty. Yes they love their play, but they don’t half love to chill out on the sofa too.
  7. TabithaJ

    TabithaJ New Member

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    If you're going to rescue, then yes a Staffie would be great. There are also lots of Labs of all sizes and ages in rescue; a female Lab could be medium-sized and most Labs are typically great fun and good with other dogs.
  8. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Staffies have been at the forefront of my mind for a while, and it would appear they really are the best choice :) A little staffie bitch would be a great addition to the family.
    Tabitha, I'm a huge lab fan, we had a cross growing up who was mainly labrador in looks and temperament and she was wonderful, but I'm really looking for something a bit smaller this time around. Although never say never! Apart from size they do fit my criteria and they are such lovely dogs :049:
    Thanks for the input, guys :grin:
  9. lozzibear

    lozzibear New Member

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    I would say an SBT too :mrgreen:

    I know someone with a beagle, they are a breed I have always loved the look of and Shiloh was my favourite film as a child :lol: but now I know one... they are a breed I will NEVER own... :lol:
  10. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    I think the whole hound thing would possibly be a shock to my system :lol: All of the beagles I know are walked on flexis most if not all of the time in case they burger off. Another thing I've noticed is that most of them aren't very keen on Gelert. It is noticeably a beagle thing. One in particular who we see often really dislikes him :-o We do meet a young bitch occasionally who loves to play with him, but she is the exception.
  11. Red[dog]

    Red[dog] New Member

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    Kasper gets that with beagles too! And a high proportion of labs too for some reason, but nearly all beagles don't like him...

    Agree with Staffy, I love the breed, and there are plenty in rescue to choose from! I wanted a Staffy for my first dog but our letting agent at the time said no bull breeds :x

  12. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Interesting you say that about labradors too. There are very few labs around here but now I think of it the one we do see also hates Gelert :neutral: Mind you I don't think it's a lab thing in this case, I just think he's a rank tempered individual. He rushed us once just as we entered the park, had a go at Gel who was on lead and didn't fight back. This was how I found out dogs can get black eyes :( The owner was lucky the vet nurse looked him over for me and didn't charge or I'd have presented her with a vet bill. Saw them again after and he tried it again, I told the dopey cow to get her act together. She puts him on a lead when she sees us now thankfully, although I always try to avoid them. Annoys me no end that because he's a chocolate lab he can apparently do no wrong, as evidenced by her initial attitude.
    Like I said though I don't hold it against the breed. The only other time a dog's had a go unprovoked it was a staffie but the good experiences we've had with them far outweigh the bad.
  13. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Any thoughts on JRTs? I know, I know, but I've been looking at the Cardiff Dogs Home site and there are a few little cuties there...
  14. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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  15. Zuluandnaomi

    Zuluandnaomi New Member

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    Although I do like JRTs they definitely have much more of the "terrier" nature, they can be quite feisty little dogs - definitely a big dog in a small dogs body. The ones that I have known are all very high energy - into and on to everything - amazing climbers - like mountain goats haha.
  16. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Food for thought, thanks. I've always thought terriers (other than the bull variety) weren't really for me but there are a ton of Jack Russells locally, walked every day in the small urban park down the road and they are very well adjusted and seem happy with their lot. But then my mum tells me the horror stories of the JRT she had before I was born and I have second thoughts again :lol:
    Staffies are still my first choice, I think :)
  17. Sosha

    Sosha New Member

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    I'd say Staffie (ish) No Shortage.

    No Shortage of JRTs either - They can be sneaky escape artists plus there's the possibility some previous owner has messed them up. True of all second hand dogs I suppose. Some can also have a strong prey drive.

    Not sure Greyhounds the best match for your boy. Cat friendly Lurcher?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
  18. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    Hadn't thought about lurchers. They've never really appealed for some reason.
  19. tattoogirl73

    tattoogirl73 New Member

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    got to admit i'd go for a jrt over a staffy. all the staffies i've met have been lovely but it's just not a breed for me. there's always been jrt's in my family so i know what a handful they can be, but their loyalty makes up for it. i would love to kidnap my auntys two black and tan girls.

    i'm starting to think about our next dog if i don't foster. i want a small breed that will be able to keep up with opie. i'm going to enjoy looking while we decide what to do. like you i'm home all day because i'm a carer for oh's mam. luckily physically she is very fit so if need be we can walk for hours :)
  20. PB&J

    PB&J New Member

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    All helpful, thanks :) Reckon you'll go for a JRT for a buddy for Opie?
  21. tattoogirl73

    tattoogirl73 New Member

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    I'm open to the idea of a jrt. They certainly have the energy level to keep up with him. The jrt/staffy cross that he plays with can out manoeuvre him so I think a jrt would definelty keep him on his toes :)

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