I was making a sandwich and dropped some sauerkraut on the floor. Katie Mae cleaned it up, much to my surprise. Bandit likes oranges. What does your dog like to eat that surprised you?
At Azz's suggestion, I used to make home made sauerkraut for Eddie. He had itit on his lunch every day. Merry is a dustbin, and there isn't much that she won't eat - oranges, lettuce, beetroot etc. all go down well, and she will ask for raw onion - but I don't let her have it as it can cause anaemia. She has picked her own wild fruit all summer, blackberries, raspberries and wild strawberries are favourites. I can only think of mushrooms which she would refuse, and they are on the official forbidden list. (Though old Tweed would search them out in the wild, and never suffered by doing it. She was a very wily old dog though).
After Pereg with her "thing" about kohlrabi and now Tikva who, I am sure, knows I have 'nanas in my bag while I am coming down the ramp, even though the door is closed, nothing surprises me any more. I have not offered her any sauerkraut though, although I did offer her a tiny piece of an olive once when I was prepping some salad, no idea why as she normally only watches me when I am doing her evening "wet" meal, and she spat it out!
No. The thing is that Marmite is made in the same factory where ????? is also made, [not in Israel - not sure where] and even though Marmite is Kasher [Vegemite is not] there are steam pipes going through where Marmite is made that also go through where a meat product [dunno what] is made. Steam pipes. How can steam inside a pipe going through a factory make Marmite treif? That means not Kasher. So - the Marmite that we used to be able to get, which was, I think from England, was replaced by Marmite from South Africa. But then that was decided to be treif. So I can not get Marmite any more.