Malamute x Husky - information needed on the breeds Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by meboo, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. meboo

    meboo New Member

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    Malamute x Husky - information needed on the breeds

    *whisper* I think we may have a Malamute/Husky coming our way, don't want to shout too much as don't want to be disappointed (who am I kidding)

    Does anyone have one of these breeds that can tell me all the good and bad things about them.

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  3. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    I have a Husky Mal mix here too and welcome to the rollercoaster! :)

    Some traits you may look forward to

    Super intelligent and super stubborn be prepared for training to be more negotiation than discipline:)

    Kismet has to have the last word. No telling off ends without her adding her gruffin woo woos.

    She howls, this is adorable, but never on command, this is frustrating.

    Sooo much hair

    Great recall as long as there is nothing at all else on the field to go look at... Kismet has good eye sight, anything that can be seen, even dots on the horizon are 'on the same field'... A long line is a must buy item.

    House training is interesting.. Don't make the mistake we did of being upset about weeing in the house. Kismet started to use weeing as her final word in an argument. She knew it got to us. Weeing in the house stopped when our reacting to it stopped.

    Husky's can be resource guardy and possessive, don't mistake this for 'food aggression', you'll make it worse! Right from the start, be around at food time, feed tidbits from your hand and drop new tasty things in the bowl. Get the association between you and food as a great thing early on and teach 'swap' for higher value treats as a way to get things away.

    Don't start fights you cant win... You cant win fights.. Don't start. Negotiate.

    sooooooo very much hair

    If you have carpets, get a slicker brush and tape it to the end of a pole, use this to brush the carpet, best thing ever at dealing with the hair... Mr Dyson has clearly never met a husky, don't believe his claims about pet hair.

    Take your pup over to see the neighbors while it is still cute and adorable and blue eyed and cuddly.. this will help later when your 'wolfdog' has broken into their garden and is wrecking the rockery (certainly did with me, my neighbors thought it was 'adorable' and have now put in a platform to help Kismet get back in their garden if she wants to).

    your sofa is their sofa

    Get a bike with a bikejoring attachment or a walkydog.. you cant use it till pupster is 18 months old, but then you will be glad of it:) innerwolf are great for doggy things, bookmark their page:)

    socialise socialise socialise

    put anything you really really care about in a lockable cupboard.

    have fun, its a wild ride, but quite the best one out there:) ...

    Stick around on dogsey there's some great advice on here.

    Oh and in about 18 months remember these words


    Keep puppy pictures to hand and remember the beautiful adult dog you dreamed of, take a deep breath and give it another year. The teenage year is a rocky one:)


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