My Copper has just been diagnosed with this (I can provide pictures of his ultrasound) he is so young to get this diagnosis, but I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with this with their pup and how I can go from here other than the immunosuppressive therapy (prednisone and chemo pills) and a low fat diet. Any info is helpful. Thank you!
I am really sorry that I have no experience of this, and am not able to help you. I hope someone else may drop by that can help. I had a quick Google to educate myself, and came across a video by Karen Becker which I found very informative. I hope this works as I am not good at posting links! nyk
So I cocked up again. Google YouTube, Dr Becker, Lymphangiectasia - far more reliable than me! In passing, I notice that coconut oil gets a good recommendation for this condition. I once had a Cavalier bitch that had begun to look pot- bellied and was losing coat in her middle years. My vet just said that a part of her intestine wasn't working properly, and that operating would not cure it. Moving on a year or so, I had to visit the vet, (probably for boosters), when my own chap was on holiday - and the locum turned out to be a researcher in canine digestive disorders. He asked about the condition of my girl, and I said that there was nothing that could be done for her. He said, 'I think I can make your dog better', took some blood, and asked for a poo sample. When he called me back it was to recommend putting her on coconut oil - not as easy to get hold of in the 1970's. It worked like magic, her skin improved, she stopped looking pathetic, and she grew a lovely plush puppy-type coat. I finally lost her at 14, when she caught kennel cough which turned to pneumonia. I am not sure that any of this is any use to you - or whether I am just an old lady babbling on, but have you seen an internal medicine specialist?
A quick Google states that the diet for Lymphangiectasia should be very low in fat and high in high quality protein, with fat soluble vitamins [A, D, E, and K] added. Corticosteroids such as Prednisone would probably be necessary for like but I could not see any mention of chemo medication.
I think that was the rationale with Twoey the CKCS. To reduce animal fats to a minimum, and replace with the coconut oil.