Looking for ESS puppy General Chat

Discussion in 'English Springer Spaniel' started by Whitaker1579, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. Whitaker1579

    Whitaker1579 New Member

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    Looking for ESS puppy

    Do'es anyone know of a breeder of;
    Show strain, American type English Springer Spaniels?
    (in the uk!)
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  3. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    You won't find any "American" show English Springers over here I don't think, the breed standard is different as I understand it?

    But if you mean show strain "English" Springers :)lol: this could get confusing!), try the KC Website:


    and for some really good advice on English Springers any health tests needed (very important!) and puppies for sale try The English Springer Website:


    (Puppy Register on the left)
    There are also some well known kennels on the same website if you scroll down and click on Members Gallery.

    Please, please make sure the breeder you choose has all their breeding dogs appropriately health tested. There are many breeders that don't still. :-(

    And finally Isla's breeder has a litter at the moment (Dorset) although their pups go fairly quickly (I was on the waiting list for nearly a year). Even so if you email them and all their pups have gone, they'd be happy to point you in the direction of any healthy litters they know of!

  4. Whitaker1579

    Whitaker1579 New Member

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    I have looked through both of the breed standerds and apart from differant wording, they are relivtivly simerler!
    Athough before i go any further i will get my friend to go through them too (she's more expereinced in this area than me)
    Dogs fly in from all over the world to compete at such places as Crufts, so surely they can't be that differant??
    Can they?
  5. Munsti-Sue

    Munsti-Sue New Member

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    The american type springers seem to me as big as our larger show type springers and more profuse feathering. Still yet to see a am. show springer with that solid coloured head as brought up in another thread earlier this week .

    The Westminster Kennel Club has videos from this years judging which shows the feathering, height etc:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2006
  6. Whitaker1579

    Whitaker1579 New Member

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    Thanks for that website address munsti-sue, it was brillient, i realy love these dogs, i just hope i'm going to be able to find a breeder in the uk, i'v got my heart set on it.

    i'v even looked into importing a pup, i like them that much!, but decided it would be unfair on the pup due to flight's and so on.

    So my last hope is that there's some one in the uk breeding them.

    Thanx again for that site.
  7. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    You'll most likely have to import then as although American dogs come over to compete, I think it's unlikely for them to be brought over to breed as the two dogs look very different.

    American Show Springer:


    English Show Springer:


    Hope you find what you're looking for. :)
  8. Nursey

    Nursey New Member

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    I looked in on this thread early on, and then had a conversation with some Springer breeder friends. They tell me that there isn't much, if any difference between the American and English types of English Springer Spaniel. It's basically just that the Americans put so much more into the preparation.

    Look back at the two photographs, and see that the American dog is trimmed and preened much more heavily than the English dog. The Americans favour the blanket markings with a defined white collar.Aparently they don't like ticking either, and it's all systematically removed by finger and thumb stripping. Also their handling style is much more spectacular.

    So, it follows that any well bred, well conformed ESS,could in theory, be made to look like the American 'type', with high quality grooming and handling skills.

    Dawn R.
  9. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    For me personally the main difference in the two pics is the coat texture. Hand stripped or not, the coats to me look completely different. But then what do i know? :lol:

    The "English" may well be able to be made to look like the American, but why would you want to? They've never really been bred to look "poofy" as it were. For me it spoils everything the dog is meant to be - a working dog.

    The question is if an "American" was shown in the country would it get placed due to it's appearance (that's a genuine question cos I've no idea! :lol:)?

    The breed is already split severely 2 ways and there are now several show kennels that are looking at the working side of he dog also. For me it would be a shame to go against this trend by trimming the dogs to look more "showy"( I know you're not sugessting this, it's JMO).
  10. Whitaker1579

    Whitaker1579 New Member

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    Hi Dawn,
    To be honest it's the whitness (no fecking) that i realy like, I never realised that they would go as far as to strip it all out! And i agree, there is very little differance! a lot of it seems to be down to how you groom and present your dog.

    I just think that without flecking, it looks much, cleaner and gives more of a 'striking' apperance.
    But that's just my personal prefrence.


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