Hello all We rescued one of these adorable puppies from the shelter yesterday. We are in love! They told us they were jack russel terrier pups but the chocolate and green eyes is throwing me off. What do you guys think?
To answer your question, you may have to wait until he gets older or you may never know (unless you get a DNA kit.) We have a supposed Husky/Labrador Retriever mix and we are sure he does have Lab in him due to his mother being a Lab. The vet has told us our beloved Copper is more likely a greyhound/Lab mix. I say that to say he is a great dog and is wonderful with our daughter. Does the breed matter? Not in the least.
To be honest I would not bother with a DNA testing as they tend to be very inaccurate. He is a gorgeous puppy. whatever he is is.
Oh wow. Was not aware that a DNA kit is not accurate. Glad I haven't wasted my money on one. I agree, what a beautiful puppy!