Big hi from me & my 6 JRT's who are called K9, Skye, Kobi, Dottie, Zeus & Ziva, K9 & Skye are the parent dogs to the hooligans Kobi, Dottie, Zeus, Ziva, The hooligans were born on the 14th August 2009 Skye had 5 puppies but we gave one away to a member of my family, the puppy we gave away was called Ruby. Ruby is the dog standing on the sun bed Picture of all 5 puppies when they were 9 weeks old
Hi Tina - welcome to Breedia I'm glad you posted an intro, as I was going to ask if your JRTs are related how sweet that you have the whole family (well all bar Ruby)
Ruby we had until she was 1 year old, but she started attacking Dottie & we made the heart breaking discussion to rehome Ruby, as Dottie does have heart mummer, but as Ruby as gone to an family member we get to see her every week
Thank you it can get crazy when they play tag with the 3 cats us humans jump on sofa & lift our feet up until they have finished running through house xx
Very much so I have to walk them in pairs unless I have 2 more people then all 6 get walked together.