what are they like temperament wise? are they good with other animals, children etc? any info on them would be great thanks
Like any dog, they 'can' be good with chidlren, other pets, other dogs etc, and like any dog some aren't. Research the original breeds used (Malamute/Husky/GSD) for more info on temperament because they have passed on their breed traits and some have more strong breed traits than others.
I have 3 and they are fabulous. I have cats & children, and have to say the dogs are far better behaved I love the NI and those involved in the NIS.
Not judging by their recent behaviour elsewhere and you KNOW to keep going on about NIS causes problems Luz. Just stick to mention the dogs but not individual societies otherwise it'll be an NIS/TIDA war again. Becky
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Some previous NI threads I hope you can find some info from them. [thread]57743[/thread] [thread]56614[/thread] [thread]50330[/thread] [thread]50568[/thread]
Ours is friendly, boisterous and playful. He is independent but doesn't like to be left alone for too long. I have met quite a lot of Inuits and there are a lot of different personalities in the dogs so I think it can vary from dog to dog.
I have 5 NI's all of the dogs are great with my 6 year old daughter and with other dogs, 2 are fine with cats and 3 are not (even though one of them was brought up with cats). I would not trust any of my dogs with livestock.
we went to a meet of northern inuits yesterday & did a little display of working huskies in harness & we found all these dogs got on well with each other & our 3 dogs, all ran around together & played happily in a large fenced - in area, all had lovely temperaments, i think these dogs are similar to huskies, possibly easier to train though.
I don't think meeting another breed for a few hours (whatever breed that may be) makes someone qualified enough to advise how easy the breed is to train I certainly wouldnt do that with any breed that I have met many, many times at shows etc.
My Inca is great with children even though she wasn't bought up with any. My son is 15 now and was 12 when we got her. Obviously I wouldn't leave any dog alone with small children, but in Inca's case it would be more because she doesn't always realise how big she is!... or realise that not everyone likes to have their face washed all the time. She will put up with most things though. Once after a walk we were sat in a beer garden and a little girl (under 2 years) kept coming up and cuddling her. Her parents were with her and asked if she could pat Inca and we did say she'd not met a little tot before, but she was very good and just laid down whilst the little girl stroked and cuddled her. She lived with a cat when we got her too, and was quite happy to be swatted by the cat but our cats don't like either dog. She is very gentle with the guinea pigs, too gentle as thinks they are her babies and can get quite possesive if Tonto goes near them.
not saying they are easy to train, put possibly,they seemed to respond well to commands, even the young ones, from what i could obseve, but i would not say any breed is easy to train.
hey kirsty i have a 6 month old NI and if im honest they are nothing like any other dog i've had before lol but in a good way. I have 2 cats n often have my god kids here and apart from being clumsy she's brill with them all. Just do your research first but i'd recommend that before getting any breed. I think most people would. Jem x
Mine are brilliant with my cats. Ref children I do not have any but any children they have met (eg friends children) they have never had any probs with. Like Julie has said I think it is about introductions. I have had all my dogs from puppies so introducing them to my cats has always been done from a young age.
As with all dogs Kirsty, introduce them with kids/cats/ horses etc at an early age, and you shouldn't have a problem Northern Inuits are the same as other breeds, they all have their different personalities. My Luca isn't comfortable around babies. It's not because she dislikes them, she's scared of them and will go and hide if we have any friends babies here, basically she isn't used to them. Ghost on the other hand is a total sap and loves anyone that comes in the door