Info on greyhound walks General Chat

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by gazza56, May 20, 2009.

  1. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    Info on greyhound walks

    hi just found a web site about a group of greyhound owners who meet up in essex suffolk area and walk their greyhounds .by all accounts there is normanly over 100 of them .i was just wondering if any one out there took part in them and could maybe give out a little bit of info about them
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  3. *SJ*

    *SJ* New Member

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    Greyhound Walks are a great group who not only have regular walks but do a lot of fundraising for the Rescue centres in their locality. If you are in their area it would be well worth you going along and joining one of the walks. They're a sociable bunch and the greyhounds really enjoy meeting up with their own kind. The walks are especially helpful if your greyhound is nervous as the walks really help bring them out of their shell.

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