I am starting to hate Labrador owners Behaviour

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by 6JRT's, May 25, 2016.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I am starting to hate Labrador owners

    I was on park today when 2 boisterous Labradors [roughly 2 & 4 years old] came running full pelt across the park, their owner was running after them yelling their names [Davy & Sammy] the dogs took no notice of their owner & continued running full pelt across the park towards the kiddies play area, this is not the first time these 2 Labradors have run full pelt across the park with their owner running after them yelling, their owner has been told several times by the Park Rangers that the dogs must stay on their leads, but their owner just opens the back door on car & let the 2 dogs jump out without putting a lead on the dogs & once out of the car the 2 dogs just run off

    Another idiot Labrador owner let their dog off its lead at Carsington Water, again the Labrador owner had no control of their dog & spent the next hour or so running after their dog yelling to the dog to come back, on Sunday yet another Labrador owner had let their dog off its lead at a car-boot, the dog just run off ignoring its owner, even at Newark showground antique fairs Labrador owners let their dogs off their leads resulting in them running after them yelling at their dogs to come back to them.

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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    It's not just Labrador owners.

    We have a lake here that houses ducks, geese, the occasional swans and other birds. It's supposedly an on-lead area, but a surprising number of dog owners ignore the ruling.

    We have perpetual offenders too. There's the off lead springer that is dog aggressive, the collie that continuously barks while chasing the birds and lately a weimarana who is basically out of control.

    Since the weimi has been around, we've seen two ducks floating in the water. One had its neck bone showing. Can't say for definite this dog is the culprit, but it's highly coincidental that two birds have died following its recent arrival. In the 10 years we've walked the lake (daily), we have only ever seen one other dead bird.
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I understand how you feel. I feel the same way about Chihuahua owners. Always thinking its cute when their dogs snarl and yap at people and other animals. Never trying to train out aggression, always annoying the dogs because they want a "cute" angry Chihuahua video. My neighbor who has long since moved had a horrible Chihuahua named Nacho. He would come into our yard and go after our cats. I admit that I was happy when one day he attacked one and she clawed him to bits, sending him running home crying to daddy. I've LITERALLY never met a well behaved Chihuahua. I have gotten to the point where I want to blame the breed, but I know I shouldn't think like that. The fact that in my experience, they have been 100% horrible and they seem SO POPULAR really says a lot. I've seen probably 20 horrible ones if not more and not ONE nice one. And recall? Don't make me laugh! I discovered that Chihuahuas are actually quite fast and can jump quite high thanks to watching owners trying to catch them.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Springer's yes they do seem to be out of control most of the time specially the ones own by the Labrador owners, like the owner in Nottingham who has 3 Labradors & 2 Springers all totally out of control.

    Don't have many BC's here however there are a lot of Rough Collies/Shelties, that are out of control & will bug all the other dogs on the park, their owners all shout "its ok my dog is/are friendly" I smile & say that's ok as the German Shepherd isn't friendly, Kula will snarl at the Rough Collies/Shelties that are bugging her & that soon have the Rough Collies/Shelties owners come running over to grab their dogs away from Kula
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Not sure how that happened so will try again.
    Don't have many BC's here however there is lots of Rough Collies/Shelties that are out of control & will bug all the other dogs on the park, their owners all shouts "its ok my dog(s) is/are friendly" I smile & say that's ok as the German Shepherd isn't friendly, Kula will snarl at the Rough Collie/Shelties that are bugging her & that soon has the Rough Collies/Shelties owners come running over to grab their dogs away from Kula
  7. LMost

    LMost Member

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    You mean you did not know Labs are the perfect dog that poops rainbows and skittles.

    Well that is what a lot of lab people will tell you.

    unfortunately some actually believe all the stuff written about them and get it as a first dog and have no clue about training them. Look at any of there forums there the most perfect dog.

    Sadly 95% of the time people go online and there advised there the best first dog.
    There high energy and must be trained like any other dog.

    Playing fetch a thousand times really is not building a great dog.

    Truthful rant done, there like every dog they need walked, mentally worked, and trained a lot, sadly many there getting a no work needed dog.
  8. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    The problem is people that are wanting Labradors see calm guide dog, canine partners dogs, what they don't realize is these dogs have been trained every day from the time they were 6/7 weeks old puppies right up to when they are place with their new chargers [blind person/disabled person]

    I am even now still training my 6 dogs every day & they are 9 years old & soon to be 7 years old [the hooligans] I make sure they are still 100% recall safe, same goes for sit/down/stay, walking to heel & staying calm/still when being examined by vets by checking their teeth/paws/ears/tails/tummies/back.
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    That is why I like Labrador mixes and would never own pure Labradors. The pure bred ones are usually more energetic than I like. I've seen yellows in particular with even nasty aggression issues.

    My Nigredo is a Labby guy and displays absolutely beautiful behavior where ever he goes. I'm very happy that I can literally take him anywhere and he won't cause problems or run away.
  10. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Working lab line are huge on the energy scale.
    Don't get me wrong I actually like them, just generally not there owners.

    Seems like 10% of Labs are working, 10% show, 75% BYB's and 5% companion breeders.

    When I go fishing I generally have the biggest issues with lab owners. I park the truck take everything down to where I'm going to fish, and then come back to get Trish and Mouse.
    When some people see me walking back with a dog leash they will tell me there dog is DA, politely inform them to have it on leash as the law requires.
    Where some would expect to see a lot of bully breeds, no it is generally a lab.
  11. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Fishing around Labs? What a bad idea! All their owners do is let them jump in the water and scare away all the fish. Very inconsiderate! I take Nigredo AWAY from the fishers before I let him jump in.
  12. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    The only breeds I won't foster is any type of Labrador, whether its pedigree or mix breed i.e Labradoole, Lab X Collies, Lab X GSD so on.

    I have met some responsible Labrador owners but these are blind owners & canine partner owners.

    When the Kray Brothers (2 X 7 months old Dalmatian cross Labradors) owners bought them to one of our open days because they were totally out of control, it took us trainers a good couple of hours to get them under control, when they left we told them they must continue training them every day & find a dog training club near to where they live.
    But just 2 weeks later they handed them over to The Rescue Home, saying they don't have the time to train them.

    The trainers have all agreed that these 2 dogs are going to need more experience owners that are going to train them every day to make sure they are under control all of the time, so decided to contact Customs & Police dog centers to see if they want them as drug/money dogs, the dogs are going to be tested to see if they will be able to be trained as drug/money dogs for the police or Customs.
  13. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    That's interesting. Nigredo is said to be a Labrador/Great Pyrenees mix for the most part. He's not an excitable or "bastard" Labby guy at all. As a matter of fact, hes allowed into senior centers, as a blood donor, and gets tons of compliments each time he goes anywhere. It isn't my doing, he just has a gentle temperament. He was a wee bit jumpy when he was a pup and knocked over a few kids, but quickly was rid of this. I'll say this - most pure bred Labrador dogs I've met, though not aggressive, are too high energy for my liking. My last one was mostly Labrador/Chow. I think I like them mixed with lazier breeds. Can't be mad when people find them annoying. Chihuahua dogs drive me bonkers...

    PS - I remember this little dog in the middle being a horror. Snarling at Nigredo just standing right beside him. Chihuahua mixed with SOMETHING. JRT I believe but I can't be sure. Dog in front very sweet. GEDC0037_zpsd42f85b6.jpg

    This dog also had a disgusting temperament. Barking at people and being standoffish with dogs. He snapped at my hand and at the hand of another lady. The owner said he was safe to pet, which is assumed in a loose dog park anyway, but that you can't pet him from in front of him. Said the dog wasDoberman/Coonhound. Awful temperament.

    Last edited: May 27, 2016
  14. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Labradoodle here. Good girl, very calm and sweet. No boisterous behavior at all. Mutt behind Nigredo was a good dog too. Most dogs I find are decent dogs. Only true trouble I've had was with pit bulls. And even not all of them are bad. I would never own one, but meh. Any other troublesome breeds like Chihuahuas, mini pins, are just nuisance. No harm caused. Met ONE CKCS, absolutely awful dog. Mounted everything in sight and was just allowed to do so by his owners, who said he "has always" done that and seemed to find it funny.
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I'm not really sure you needed to go as far as contacting customs/ police , surely the only thing wrong with these dogs was that the owners took on litter brothers and got out of there depth ...surely your trainers understood this ?

    Separated and with the right owners, they should have no problem becoming good canine citizens . You make them sound like a lost cause.

    What happened to them ?
  16. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    All breeds and mixes have the potential to make nuisances of themselves. It's not unique to any one breed.

    For what it's worth all the Labs in my village are model citizens - well behaved, calm and polite.

    Mine are probably the village hooligans! :oops:
  17. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    [QUOTE="Jackie, post: 202665, member: 1225"I'm not really sure you needed to go as far as contacting customs/ police , surely the only thing wrong with these dogs was that the owners took on litter brothers and got out of there depth ...surely your trainers understood this ?

    Separated and with the right owners, they should have no problem becoming good canine citizens . You make them sound like a lost cause.

    What happened to them ?[/QUOTE]

    They will be tested on the 1st June to see if they are any use to either customs or the police.
    We often contact customs & the police dog centers when we have any young dogs in that might make excellent drug/money sniffer dogs.
    Usually its Labradors, Springers, Beagles, Cockers, but they have also taken on several mix breeds over the last 12 months to be trained as drugs/money sniffer dogs, which is why we contacted them over the Kray brothers.

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