How to teach whistle commands, help? Training

Discussion in 'Labrador Retriever' started by bellaluna, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. bellaluna

    bellaluna New Member

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    How to teach whistle commands, help?

    Well I was donated a lovely whistle a while back. Thank you AM:)

    And now I've started to use it.

    Well I've begun to find some differents signals for the different things.

    How do I teach Luna, that "this" whistle means "sit"?

    Do I give her the command "sit"/handsignal and then whistle as she goes into the "sit"?

    She knows the handsignal for sit and down...

    Would love some more, if you have them, and can show them:) In a pic or something....

    Handsignals are very nice, when you have a time like I've had the past 2 weeks.. My voice has been totally gone.. So a whistle to get her attention (no not THE whistle, but a whistle sound from me) and then the command.. worked wonders :lol: :lol: :lol:
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  3. amts

    amts New Member

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    Oh I have to go home and get my cam out :grin:

    Pics and movieclips on the way :lol: :lol:
  4. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Excellent will look forward to seeing them :D

    Will type out a brief discription on how I taught my two at lunch and post it then :D
  5. amts

    amts New Member

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    Or you could make them ;-)
    Come on Willow, be a sport :lol: :lol:
  6. bellaluna

    bellaluna New Member

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    Oooh yay I cant wait:)

    I'm having company over tonight, so no rush:)

    I do the " left arm along the side and then lift it up, so my hand is next to my face" for the sit command...

    And the down is: right arm along the side, then take it outwards (to the right) and "sweep" in a circle towards my tummy

    Oh dear that sounds like utter nonsens.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :?

    I will see if I can get my friend to help make a video of it tonight
  7. amts

    amts New Member

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    Yeah J, we need pics :grin: We dont get it :mrgreen:
  8. bellaluna

    bellaluna New Member

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    Oi you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll see what I can do:)
  9. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Ok here is a small version of how I taught mine :)

    I only have two whistle commands, (recall and stop) generally here retriever people dont have a hunt command for the whistle, but I have heard recently that some lab handlers are starting to use it. I've never seen it in action though. I use a clicker when training so that helped a LOT. You can easily teach it though without the clicker though :D

    The sit:

    Well my dogs both sit, wait, and look at me before they eat their dinner, I've always insisted on that. I started doing a peep on the whistle when they sat, so it connected the two actions together. (Couldnt do a hand signal with their dinner bowls in my hands :grin: ) from that I introduced a hand signal, with a bit of food in my hand. They would watch my hand go up above my head and I'd blow the whistle ( I do a continious peep of about .5 of a second) when they sat I clicked and the food was released. I did it with a bit of food so they where watching my hand (both my dogs are little pigs when it comes to treats).

    I started this in the house with Jack as when out on a walk when coming back on the odd occassion if he sees another dog or smells something interesting he'll stop. But he doesnt work so I'm not to bothered. But because I know Jake is easily distracted, I did it in the hallway where I had him sit and wait at the end (Casper was in another room) then I did the whistle command (I do three short peeps) after I called his name so as he was coming into me he heard the recall whistle. But this was fairly easy with both my dogs as I will whistle them back a lot using my own whistle that came from my lips (if that makes sense :roll: ) I just introduced the recall whistle from the gundog whistle on walks with the flatcoat and he picked it up within one lesson.

    I could take pics I suppose couldnt I ? But the weather is crap today and it's too dark by the time I get home tonight to do something. Tomorrow though I'll try and do one for you :D If I dont do one then I'm sure Annemette would do you one ! ;-)
  10. amts

    amts New Member

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    I vote for pics and maybe a movie too :mrgreen:
    Its just so much more fun :lol: :lol:
  11. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Movies are a bit more fun arent they ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Ooh this is terrific, I'm feeling all enthusiastic again and I havent felt like that about training for couple of months :D :D
  12. amts

    amts New Member

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    They are and when I try to show something on tape it always end up with laughs and jokes and rarely a brill excample :blush: But we have fun making them and watching them :lol: :lol:
  13. Natasha

    Natasha New Member

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    I thought you had been using a whistle from when AM sent you it :blush:

    I find it really affective, and I use it all the time now :grin:
    So far Oscar knows sit with it and recal, but we have only really started using it recently, so we still have lots to learn.
    When I taught sit I used hand movements and the whistle, so one sharp pip was sit along with me pointing my finger and waving it down (if that makes sense?)
    For recal I do 3 sharp pips, so its like pip pip pip. All I did to teach that was call his name, and then whistle straight away, and as you can see in the video he understands thats recal now. I also have another video dummy training from a few weeks back and Im using the whistle in that, if it would help I will post it?
  14. amts

    amts New Member

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    P-i-c-t-u-r-e-s Nat :roll: Please :grin:
  15. Natasha

    Natasha New Member

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    Whats that AM pictures? :lol: I will take some asap, a video will have to do for now ;-)
  16. bellaluna

    bellaluna New Member

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    No I've not gotten started yet... :blush:

    Luna's been so lazy and then all this food change... Boy its like going back to school, I tell ya...

    But now's the time, as Luna is so much more energetic and happy..

    I heard the recall whistle on the video, Nat... Would love to see the video on the dummy training, please:)

    Willow, that's what I meant with a whistle.. with my lips;-) Luna sits for her food aswell and stays till the go ahead is given.

    I'm gonna try and incorporate the whistle into what she already does....

    Now I need to put the whistle and the "amateur dummy" near the leash, so I remember them on the walk.. :roll: :roll:
    I'm having a bit of trouble taking videoes of what I do, as I'm alone..
  17. amts

    amts New Member

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    No movieclips, pics or sounds yet :-(
    Have been busy bathing ( :shock: ) Jac and of course getting the two dogwalkers of my field who just didnt understand why they couldnt walk their dogs there. And especially while I was training Ally :roll: :roll:

    They will be here though - just need some more time please :grin:
  18. Natasha

    Natasha New Member

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    Tut tut AM :roll: :lol:

    I will load the video onto a hosting site now for you to see :grin:I have been so busy today plus a headache from last night(dont ask) so I havent managed to get any really decent pics, but got a couple training, will load them up now :grin:
  19. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    I'm trying to load my pics atm but they aren't loading onto photobucket, they're taking ages :evil:

    If they take ages then I'll try again tmw or if you really want to see them, pm me and I'll email you them :D I've taken a few videos as well, unfortunately there was only one or two of me the rest are of the class :D
  20. amts

    amts New Member

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    Oh we would like to see aaaallllllllllll you got Willow :lol: :lol:
    Imagining Tom Cruise while saying "Show us the money..sorry. Movies"
  21. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Well the videos seem to be uploading ok ! Just photo bucket is taking ages :evil: I'm typing up a post complete with pics in so when it's all complete and everything is uploaded I'll post it :D :D

    PS Had a FANTASTIC training session today :D :D :D

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