How to find a pup? Questions

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by Daredevil, May 6, 2009.

  1. Daredevil

    Daredevil New Member

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    How to find a pup?

    Hi, I'm going to be looking for a terrier pup when I make my mind up which type :roll: Our Irish was found by searching the KC site and we got just went to who was nearest. We were very lucky and although his coat is a bit too soft and fluffy for an Irish and he has wonky ears, personality wise he is perfect. An absolute star :007:

    For this one as it'll be a breed I'm not familiar with I'd like to know a lot more about the breeders and the dogs family background before we go to see them. I know I'll get one once I've seen them no matter what so best to do research beforehand.

    How did you all find your terriers or is it just potluck?

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  3. CloClo

    CloClo New Member

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    My first (actually, they were around before I was) were advertised in the papers as Jack Russells. This would be 17 years ago. When my parents got there, they were less than 4 weeks old, covered in fleas, away from their mother, and being fed on dry weetabix. Having only gone to buy one puppy, they emptied their pockets/cars/bags of cash and managed to scrape together £50 to get two - they still cried leaving the others. Surprisingly, these two girls grew up to be healthy and well-adjusted - although they weren't Jack Russels (one looked like a fell, the other looked liked a hairy staffie). Unfortunately, these two sister were PTS in 2007, aged 14 & 15, although exactly 6 months apart.

    Two weeks after Alice, one of our first terriers, was PTS, we typed in 'terrier rescue' into google, and found Terrier Rescue (Rescue Remedies).
    We emailed our questionnaire in the same night, got the all clear from Lynee 4 hours later, spoke to her the next day, and was reccomended a dog, still with his owners, in Manchester.
    So, the Sunday saw us driving for three hours (with an incontinent terrier) to see a dog we didn't even know if we were taking. Within 5 minutes, we were sold, another hour and the papers were signed, and we were on our way home (and the incontinent terrier, who hadn't been able to last half an hour without going, managed to stay dry in the car - until half an hour from home when she was moved to sit on my mum's lap!).
    That was two years ago, and Tee-J is now our only dog (see thread of Tee-J Pics).

    All three of my lovely terriers happened mainly by luck and fate. The two girls didn't take much hard work despite their bad start - they were never formally training, but could be walked off leads by roads (but not near rabbits). Tee-J is one of the most delightful dogs I have ever met (and everyone who has met him has said something similar, even my dog-hating granddad).

    Unfortunately, I've never really had a dog from a breeder, so wouldn't be able to reccomend any research to do beforehand - I know that once I've seen the pups any reasonable thinking is out of the window!
  4. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Try contacting the breed club for the type of terrier you decide on, they should be able to help point you in the right direction and also tell you a bit more about the breed honestly.

    The KC will tell you contacts or google it

    edited to add they will also be able to help if you want a breed rescue
  5. johnoc177

    johnoc177 New Member

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    I seen some really nice irish staff puppies on link removed for £450 :grin:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
  6. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Thought it was against the rules to advertise your dogs on here but haven't you been told that already. Are you having problems selling them?
  7. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    didnt realise irish staff was a breed...oh thats right- its not!
  8. johnoc177

    johnoc177 New Member

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    What do you mean its not a breed? everybody knows it is I have two of them. There mother and fathers have papers ikc so what you going on about???????????????
  9. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Not recognised by the KC though.
  10. johnoc177

    johnoc177 New Member

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    lol n because there not english
  11. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    yeh and neither is the GERMAN shepherd, the rottweiler, dobermann, BSD, french get the gist!!! they all originated from abroad and the list is huge- just because the dog originates from abroad doesnt mean its not kc reg!
  12. johnoc177

    johnoc177 New Member

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    i do get what you are saying but mine are ikc its still a kennel club just in Ireland for pure Irish breeds
  13. johnderondon

    johnderondon New Member

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    Breeds exist (or not) in the real world, not in the KC bureaucracy. As an illustration - Jack Russell Terriers are a breed regardless of the KC's position.


    1 silly person rolling on the floor and all that....

    You will find (if you look) that the IKC regsiter famously 'pure Irish breeds' like the German Shepherd, the Italian Spinone, the Siberian Husky, etc.

    Curiously, one that I couldn't find was an 'Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier'.

    Here you go...
  14. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    I thought these irish staffies were registered with the IKC but not in fact the 'irish kennel club' I though another independant organisation had started something like 'incontinental kennelclub' or along those lines, and had in fact 'stolen' the irish kennel clubs initial.
    I may be worng though.
  15. johnderondon

    johnderondon New Member

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    My understanding is that johnoc177 has Irish bred SBTs which are registered as SBTs with the Irish Kennel Club and that he has mistakenly taken Irish-bred and/or Irish-registered to mean a recognised breed which is distinct from the SBT.

    But I might be being silly.
  16. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    As his location is Leeds why would he have SBT's registered with the Irish Kennel Club.

    I would say they are registered with the Intercontinental Kennel Club.

    Maybe it can be clarified
  17. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    I am totally confused. I assumed the OP was talking about an Irish Terrier. Which is a breed. Not a SBT. I know they breed SBTs in Ireland - I`ve got two German Shorthaired pointers originally registered in Ireland. You can re-register them here.
  18. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    The OP was talking about an Irish Terrier but someone posted a link to their puppy advert for Irish Staffs
  19. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Thankyou! :023:
  20. johnderondon

    johnderondon New Member

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    Possibly, but Johnoc177 described the ikc as a kennel club "in Ireland" whereas the Intercontinental Kennel Club is Mr. Reid in Mitcham, Surrey I believe.

    Additionally the Intercontinental Kon Club doesn't register "Irish Staffordshire Bull Terriers" either. Here's Mr. Reid's barely coherent babble (Mr. Reid takes a pick 'n mix approach to punctuation)...

    Basically Mr. Reid is saying that they don't use the term 'Irish Staff' as everyone would know what they're up to.

    So - if johnoc177 does mean Reid's outfit then he's wrong both about the registration and the location of the register.
  21. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    thats the one i meant- intercontinental rather than 'incontinental' lol sounds a bit too close to another word!

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