How did you cope ? Questions

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by My bear Yoji, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    How did you cope ?

    I have been meaning to ask @who owns who how the three of you got on with you girl going for spaying. I know you were really anxious about her being left.
    How did you all get on ?
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  3. Rugby1983

    Rugby1983 New Member

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    Jack brewster
    Hope all is ok with your girl
  4. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Thanks for asking!! She did fine. So did I. Bandit was confused as to where Katie Mae was the night she spent at the vets, he mopped around, skipped a meal... Neither of them understood why I wouldn’t let them play and I had to keep them in separate rooms (baby gate) most of the time while she healed. I had them sleep in separate rooms for about the first week. Katie Mae didn’t like being taken into her yard on a leash to go to the bathroom, I gave up after about a week and let her out to take care of her business, she’d run and hop around a bit but appears to have not hurt herself. I had that whole time off from work and enjoyed sleeping in and just being lazy so getting up early hasn’t been fun but once I’m up it’s ok.. lol. The dogs are getting back into their routine as well, playing with each other, chasing each other around the yard, stealing toys out of the others mouths, so all is good now, but that was a long two weeks. She never messed with her incision so was spared from having to wear the cone of shame.
  5. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    I have the mention of vets, but, I have not had to endure leaving Yoji. I would hate it. I wish I had married a vet LOL.
    The cone of shame just makes it so much worse. Great she didn’t mess with her incision, was it the little metal staples, I think they are better, unlike the nylon stitches in the olden days !
    All that worrying you had, time off work and then you have the vets bill at the end of it all
    Everything will be back to normal soon

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