Hello there my name is Holly and I’m the proud owner of four beautiful dogs and a lovely cat! I’m generally here for advice and cute dog pictures! These are my dogs, the brown Cocker Spaniel is Misty who is four, the Rhodesian Labrador which looks more like a Labrador is called Bella and is now six years old and soon to be seven. Now on to the puppies of the group, Bonnie I believe is a springer spaniel cross she was a rescue from a breeder who was allowing mites all over her fur and causing her to lose her fur and was not treating her correctly, she is very excitable but skittish due to past treatment. Pepper the youngest of the bunch came from the same breeder as Bonnie and is a pedigree unlike Bonnie, she was kept in amazing condition until she was bought by us and got mites as well and lost fur all along her back, Pepper is a very doppy dog who just likes a good cuddle. I hope I can get along here and make some friends! Goodbye for now!