Hello everyone! I'm new here, just found the site last night I am proudly owned by an 8 year old basset hound (Misty) and an 11 month old doberman (Mischa). (joking... They know who's the alpha) they can be quite the pair but I sure do love my girls!
That's right, Merry, on the left, is a former showgirl, who has come to live with me this year, and will do Veteran and KC Good Citizen classes next year. I have had to call a halt to having puppies now that I'm in my seventies. Eddie, on the right, is a rather special Beagle. He has qualifications in UK Working Trials and Obedience, and certificates for Hound Scenting, and elementary Heelwork to Music. I think I must bore everyone to death with his updates! Unfortunately he has now developed recurring bowel tumours, but, for now, he keeps happy and playful.