Heart Testing boxers (or any breed that has heart problems) General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by Carole, May 25, 2008.

  1. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Heart Testing boxers (or any breed that has heart problems)

    Do you as a boxer owner get your boxer heart tested?

    I got Star done at 16months even though she was spayed as she has a murmur and I think it is good for the breed to have all the heart test results logged for research. It gives a bigger picture into the health of the boxer. Unfortunately Star did not make it onto the list as she was graded a 2. Finn will hopefully be done next time the heart testing is in Scotland.

    Just wondered if any others thought the same? It only costs around £10 at any of the Boxer Champ Shows in the UK and definately well worth the money and helps research the boxer health.

    boxer heart list
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Excellent idea Carole, EVERY Boxer breed should be doing this, its a little price to pay for the health of your stock.
  4. dollyknockers


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    I think its extremley important ,To have any breed that requires heart testing to be done , xxdk
  5. zoeybeau1


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    I agree good job.:grin:
  6. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    It is also very reassuring if you research your dogs pedigree to see your dogs relations on the list too :)
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Excellent thread Carole, I have not had my two done, never got round to it, but given the chance may do so....but as they are not breeding stock , it is not really a problem, I do know the sire and dam`s though, of both of my two.

    Am I right in thinking ALL Boxers who have been scored and have passed will automatically go on the list... unless the owner/breeder pacifically opts out of registering their dogs.... and that in itself will bring up questions.

    Why would you, if you breed and your dogs pass, want to keep them of the list.

    Anyone who breeds Boxers will /should have their breeding stock on the list with a pass... it is also easy for buyers to check up . it is there for all to see.
  8. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Yes that is right but the heart testing has to be done by a Cardiologist on the Boxer Breed Council's approved list for the score to be registered. As they do the heart testing at the boxer shows its really easy to find one and you just show up on the day. The test only takes a few minutes, you get your papers and they send off the rest of the copies to the appropriate people and that is it :)
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Yes , sorry should have made that clear... only a Cardiologist is qualified to heart score...

    Heart scoring is paramount in Boxers, (breeding stock) and it should be the firs thing that anyone considering breeding should do.

    Also for anyone who is considering buying a Boxer puppy, if you dont see the relevant certificates from your breeder, you only have to check up on the list, to see if they have heart scored or not.

    If they are not on, they have either, not had their dogs done, or they have comeback to high (over a 1) or they have declined to register the score...which makes no sense in itself.
  10. Boxacrazy

    Boxacrazy New Member

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    I've had all Boxers that are of age heart tested. (All mine have been cleared and graded either 1 or 0)
    Even those that weren't going to be bred from.
    It's important as it can give information/complete a picture
    for those that are researching these diseases.

    I am due to get the pups heart tested when they are over 12 months old (this is the earliest age that any Boxer can go on the heart test list).

    I'm lucky as my own vet is a cardiologist, althou she doesn't appear on the approved Boxer Breed Council's list of cardiologists (this is her own decision). She has been spot on in agreement with the grades given by the cardiologists testing at the shows.

    I always advise anyone that is thinking of buying a puppy to always always make sure that the parents are heart tested and cleared, I give the web site address of the breed council where the list is displayed for all to see.
    I also give a copy of the dam's heart test certificate to all my puppy's new owners.

    It only costs £10-15 for each dog to be tested.
    Although this test only tests for dogs with aortic stenosis,
    it can pick up other potential problems and then advise you to go for further diagnostic tests.

    Commonly it is done at breed shows, ordinarily normally at the open or limit shows. I think only a few clubs have testing at their champ shows.
    To get confirmation if a breed club is doing heart testing ring the club secretary
    and they should be able to give dates, start times and even the name of who is heart testing. Normally only those that are cleared by the Boxer Breed Council are used for testing.

    The heart testing scheme has been in existence since the early nineties, I certainly had my girls tested as early as 1992, and I'm sure a friend had hers done earlier.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2008
  11. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    I think its a good idea, but would it not be better if they recorded all the results rather just those with a 'pass'?
  12. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Only the passes get added to the heart test list but I am sure the fails are recorded as part of the research. It would be interesting to hear what happens with the failed test reports.

    I know a copy of Star's fail was sent off for research and a copy was sent to my vet and someone else got a copy :? Can't remember who :blush:
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  13. Boxacrazy

    Boxacrazy New Member

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    It's a 4 part form.

    1 goes to you the owner
    1 goes to your vet (you give it to them)
    1 goes to the cardiologist
    1 goes to the breed council for research purposes and also to go on the heart test list if a clear grade obtained.
  14. pam

    pam New Member

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    All mine have been Heart tested and appear on heart test list
    I took solo to mancunian show to get him tested and if i remember rightly it cost me £8.95 pennies really for piece of mind

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