Now most of you know the troubles I've had with Louie and his dropping of the dummy when I ask him to sit with it. I have posted this in the "bragging thread" but I wanted to tell those who have helped me and given me advice in the past about it (thank you) Today after the scurry and seeing that he was having fun retrieving I decided to go back to what I had neglected - his dummies.. So after a few blinds and doubles, I decided to see if he would sit - I asked him and HE SAT! With the dummy in his mouth too - I haven't got the front but that'll come and he does sit a fair way from me (at least a few feet). I did it 3 times, he sat 3 times then played chase with a tug rope - as his reward and because he loves it.. I ended it on a high note I didn't have to ask him to pick it up or anything. He has done it once before a few months ago.. maybe he's getting there - or maybe I know how to motivate him properly now
He wouldn't do it today - too giddy, just kept walking round in circles with his tail wagging I'll get there eventually..