Having one husky? General Chat

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by sibelover, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. sibelover

    sibelover New Member

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    Having one husky?

    does anyone have just the one husky? ours hate being on her own. id be interested to hear from people with a single sibe to know hows thiers cope :)
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  3. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Not a Sib owner but a spitz owner and can confirm that Sibs in particular do not like being alone, they are a pack animal and need company, it someone is in the house all day it should not be too much of a problem but ideally they need another dog, Sib for preference but any dog is better than none.
  4. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    Hi sibelover , i have found that having the 3 sibes makes them eat properly because they dont want the others to nick their food ,said this as your dog isnt eating properly ,maybe its because shes on her own , no competition there. As thordell said spitz dogs do better with company but if your at home lots then your sibe should be ok , i know its not always possible but maybe u may consider getting another dog for a playmate & company!!. Dont want to sound bossy here though mate.
  5. Vix

    Vix New Member

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    Hi i have a husky on her own and i don't think she could be happier. Mind you my cat barely leaves her side. She has lots of doggy friends she sees daily and we go to my friends house twice a week and she plays with her GSD friend for a few hours. I think it depends on the dog and previous situations but Khera is proof that they can be happy alone. Don't get me wrong i'd have hundreds if OH would let me. hehehe
  6. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Think that a cat may well solve the problem; or you could try leaving a radio on when you have to go out.

    Did you get her used to being left from when she was a puppy, but going out and coming straight back in, and then out for 5 minutes and then back and so on, if not you could try that now as well. Always make your return a happy occasion.
  7. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    Many sibes may not accept a cat as they can have a high chase /prey drive, some do some dont but I think if you look at the siberian Husky club of GB site, you will get more information, yes sibes are pack animals, but you get the odd one or two that are happy in their own company, or just the company of humans, but in general terms they are happier with other packmates.

  8. sibelover

    sibelover New Member

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    nanook currently lives with two cats and she has ever bothered with them.
    but we are still struggling with her in her kennel
  9. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    Just out of curiosity were the cats already established in your home before you got nanook?

  10. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    I have a Husky cross GSD and she hated being on her own. She did suffer from Separation Anxiety.
    In the end I did get another dog and that did the trick. Meanwhile, I would let her settle more with lots of cuddles. Give her Kongs , and things she likes to play with..(anything that she wont swallow. )
    When you go out leave the radio on and give her a Kong filled with her treat also introduce her to Large Knuckle bones. It will come allright . She just feels strange being on her own for the moment
  11. sibelover

    sibelover New Member

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    yes the two cats were already there when we brought nook home, we have never had a problem with them. they dont exactly get on but they do tolerate each other :grin:
  12. Kira87

    Kira87 New Member

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    One of our Sibes has a thing for wanting to hunt the neighbours cats and we were quite worried when my folks went to aviemore (with the dogs) and stayed with a friend who owned a cat and our Sibe just curled up with the cat.

    I know several people who have owned just one Sibe, who thrive on human company, it just depends on how much time the owner can give it. Ours are much happier in a pack tho. We used to have a mal who just did not understand the idea of being a pack dog and actually prefers to live on his own with humans rather than other dogs.
  13. Footybird11

    Footybird11 New Member

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    My sibe went nuts when we had my old boy PTS and was only dog she then calmed down a bit cos she found that habging around the rabbit hutch was fun!!! then when he died a month later she went nuts again. so we got another pup a gsd x border collie and now she has calmed right down wouldn't think she was the same dog. we have a cat also that is now 7 (had from kitten) loved our old dog to bits but cant stand Kodi (think its the 2 color eyes) they are learning to tolerate each other but cat is the more aggressive. wouldn't trust them to lay with each other tho.
  14. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    I have one sibe and she is fine without dog companion but she is never alone. I am looking to get another dog though but it is getting my partner to agree, he is happy with just Zuki and worries that if we had another dog she wouldn't get the attention she does now. I sware he worries more about her than me:lol: and to think he never wanted a dog!

    Love and licks,
    Donna & Zuki:grin:
  15. flow-wolf

    flow-wolf New Member

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    Not a husky owner,I have a malamute.

    Mine is fine on her own,we're both at home all day except for the part time evenings.

    She is fine on her own,neighbours always keep a watch out while I'm at work.

    I want another mal,but dont think I have the room,unless they were both to live out.
  16. Cossack

    Cossack New Member

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    Huskies are pack and although some do seem to cope ok if left most do not. How long is it left on its own? If it is only for short periods then you should be able to find a routine that makes the dog feel secure and relax. A friend of mine has to crate her dog or it goes nuts.
    If it is for long periods then you probably just have a husky who needs company so another dog or leaving it with a friend who is home or has another dog may solve.
    I had cats before my huskies and they got on fine, but if the cats ran they dogs chased them, never hurt them but I always made sure if I was out they were not left together.I lost my cats at 9 years and the huskies now look on cats as something to hunt and chase down. Again it is the dog that makes the difference.
    Good luck with this though as it is upsetting to know your dog is upset whenever you leave it.
  17. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    We only had a single sibe for 3 years, who seemed pefectly happy with just human comany, now we have a pack of six and growing. On a more cautionary note, though your single sibe gets on with the cat, should you ever decide to get another, that could change as two+ will become a pack, then that prey drive really kicks in ;) .
  18. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I know this is an old thread but perhaps we could have an update. How is Nanook doing now? If I were you, and it is possible in your circumstances, I would get a second dog as I heard that Sibes definitely like other doggie company. I had a GSD on her own for 3 years and she was perfectly happy but then I brought my BC pup home and they are best buddies - I would never just have a single dog again.
  19. Mel

    Mel New Member

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    Hudson was on his own for just over 2 years and hated it ..he is much happier since Delta and then Maddy arrived (Mals and not Sibes though :) )

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