I know a few of you on here have GWP's as I do. My question to you is. Are they particularly prone to cancer? I did not think they were.
Not that I know of. I lost my old boy from a suyspected tumour but I didn't have a pm and I have been fed that line before when they don't know what it is. He was 12. Helen
I have had the breed for 20 plus years and dont think they are any more prone to cancer than any other breed. As a breed they dont have that many health problems. I have had one treated for a tumour that he developed when he was 12 and a half which is quite a good age for a wirehair and he lead another full and healthy year. Caz
All the breed clubs were required to send out a health questionnaire some time ago so the returns should give you an idea. Not foolproof because not everyone belongs to the club or returns the info, but worth a look?
Like others have said, I wasnt aware it was an issue in the breed, no more than any other breed anyway.
Thank goodness for that. Mine has a wee lump on her lip I was worried about. I'll see what vet says when she's in for her booster. Thanks for your replies. X
it could be a blocked hair folical of something, if your worried get it checked out early but expect its nothing Caz