Greyhound Pro's and Anti's Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by footloose, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. footloose


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    Greyhound Pro's and Anti's

    A Point of View.

    The problem with all these groups who agitate against all aspects of greyhound racing, including Greyhound Watch, Greyhound Action and Greyt Exploitations, is, they themselves have nothing in place to save and secure the safety of the indigenous greyhounds from their targeted tracks.

    Their hatred of all officialdom at these venues, and indeed to all officials of the controlling body of British Greyhound Racing is so intense, it supersedes their alleged concern for the welfare of the greyhound.

    As greyhound body after greyhound body joins an ever increasing pile of corpses now there is no home or place for them to go, the Anti-Greyhound people celebrate a job well done. Dead greyhounds, sadly in their blinkered minds, the price that has to be paid for the extinction of Greyhound Racing.

    It's so very sad that once again the greyhound suffers, especially from the people who say they have the greyhounds welfare at heart. Either side however, will be equally responsible for every greyhound who breathes his or her last because of bloody minded ignorance, or whatever else you would like to call it.

    The greyhound industry has at least gone someway to save and then re-home their collective responsibilities as each track faces closure, but the groups I mentioned earlier have nothing.

    Protests have their place in the British way of life and usually there is no dead victim if the protesters win the day, but in this case there will be, and it will be at the expense of a pointed wet nosed, long-tailed, sad eyed greyhound whose only real goal in life is to be wanted, loved and treated with respect.

    I'm afraid though he/she is only treated as a means to an end by Greyhound Action, Greyhound Watch, Greytexploitations, NGRC, BGRB, Bookmakers and all other nefarious bodies who use and abuse the noble hound for their own agenda, without ever thinking of the consequences for the poor sad old greyhound.

    Both sides will have a great deal of blood on their hands and both sides will whinge "It wasn't my fault." when of course it is. Sad and pathetic all of you, I only wish the greyhound was Judge and Jury when your fate is finally decided.

    A Greyhound Lover.

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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    What a superb post.
  4. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    Really interesting post, I didn't realise those groups didn't mind Greyhounds dying if it means the end of racing, I thought (perhaps niavely) that they did want homes for hounds who no longer race or never could...shame on them if they're not what they seem.

    I personally have no real view on racing itself, that's not where my issue is...working dogs is no bad thing, but the dogs should be treated with respect and kept in good conditions, same as any working dog. All should also be given homes at the end, but sadly that's unlikely to happen.

    There are some great charities out there who do fabulous work in getting the dogs into loving forever homes, I don't think they should be left out of a well-balanced discussion. The charity I got my Greyhound from work tirelessly at saving dogs like these from death and cruelty and keep them in foster until their perfectly matched home comes along.

    All in all an informative post, thank you :)
  5. footloose


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    These people whose actions shut greyhound stadiums know these charity's exist so that's why they plough on regardless. What they havn't taken into account is greyhound re-homing centres are stacked to the rafters with greyhounds awaiting homes. A major track like Reading for instance closing down would suddenly put another 400 greyhounds into the melting pot that just can not cope. So sadly there would be greyhounds euthanised because the Anti's want their cake and to eat it as well. They have nothing in place to alleviate the pressure on the greyhound charity's, if they did, they would command more respect.
  6. wilbar

    wilbar New Member

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    So what's the answer then?

    Allow greyhound racing to continue with the knowledge that the industry is rife with cruel practices, especially abroad, so that greyhounds continue to suffer terrible fates?

    Ban greyhound racing with, as you point out, the likelihood that many racing dogs would be euthanised (if they were lucky!) or left to suffer in kennels, or just abandoned?

    Strict regulation of the industry to improve the welfare of these dogs? Even if this could happen in the UK, it would not be so easy to persuade other jurisdictions to legislate, or enforce any legislation?

    I found your post very interesting in that I'd not thought of the "other side" of shutting race tracks, or the well-meaning but perhaps, unintentional outcomes of putting an end to greyhound racing, or the overloaded greyhound resues, but I'm struggling to see how the cruelty that goes with this lucrative exploitation of such lovely dogs, can be ended:-( .
  7. CovetKaty

    CovetKaty New Member

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    Unfortunatly while reading this thread my own greygirl is sat with her head on my feet so it hit home a little bit more.

    With the closure of Portsmouth stadium (iirc) 300+ greyhounds were put into rescues like RGT which completely overwhelmed them. I know our local midlands RGT is completely full and most of the dogs are having to stay with trainers while they await homes.

    Unfortunatly also, as much as legislation would keep the welfare of the dogs in a more strict light, there's always (and always has and will be) people who go against such legislation if it means they make a better pocket of cash.

    With Greyhound racing, there's always going to be someone who's put out and with the closure of stadiums it will always be the dogs.
  8. TomtheLurcher

    TomtheLurcher New Member

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    Like Covetkaty, my lovely little hound from RGT is sat by my feet as I type, not sure what the answer is but if the resource was available to enforce the legislation then surely things could begin to improve, although this is common in all good legislation if not enforced then its a waste of time, for me well cared for dogs who race should be supported as long as when they are no longer of value as racers , the owner is under legislation required to ensure they are suitable homed and to cover the costs of this in the interim while a good home is found, there is a lot of money made through racing in my understanding ,legislation should state a percentage of this is put aside for the future welfare of the lovely hounds ! My opinion only for what its worth.....
  9. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I have an ex racer from Sittingbourne RGT - i haven't got a problem with the actual racing of the dogs, they love it. What i have got a problem with is the way they are discarded when they are injured/too old and are no longer making money.

    Owners need to be held to account, stricter legislation needs to be brought in.

    Its the same apparently with a lot of race horses.
  10. footloose


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    My own opinion is greyhound racing is slowly dying as punters vote with their feet. The slow trickle of hounds being put into rescues as trainers call it a day can be easily managed by the greyhound re-homers. Block closures cannot. I think the slow demise of the sport will in the end be beneficial to the greyhound in the long run, if only these Anti's can get that into their heads, more greyhounds will have the chance of a long natural life.
  11. CovetKaty

    CovetKaty New Member

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    Even then footloose, places like RGT midlands are struggling with the amount of dogs trainers are retiring. Black closures are never going to be good for the dogs or the charities that help them find forever homes.

    One thing that does worry me is that at the moment the greyhound is a very healthy pedigree, there isn't anything substantial that's wrong with the breed. I worry that once they are no longer considered 'working dogs' that they might end up being changed significantly by selective breeding :(
  12. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    Good point CovetKaty, I do like how genetically healthy they are, althought they're succeptible to easily ripped skin, etc. It would be such a shame if in the future they were bred badly and suffered the same fate as so many pedigrees :(

    Good points also Footloose, if they don't have ways of helping house and home the dogs, what do they expect will happen if block closures?
  13. zoe1969

    zoe1969 New Member

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    I too have an ex-racing greyhound who is such a wonderful and beautiful girl.
    I totally see your point about mass closures. It would indeed be impossible to cater for all the greys who would then require rehoming.
    Personally I think the welfare of these dogs whilst racing and afterwards is paramount. I am not against the racing itself..just against the way some are treated when they are surplus to requirements, injured etc. It is this I cannot stomach....not the racing itself.
    I love greyhounds with all my heart and whatever protects them is what is right.
  14. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    I agree 100%.
  15. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    The slow trickle of hounds being put into rescues as trainers call it a day can be easily managed by the greyhound re-homers. What planet are you on???

    Charity struggling to cope with numbers of homeless greyhounds

    A LEADING dog charity is urging animal lovers in Harlow to consider adopting one of hundreds of homeless greyhounds.

    Maureen Young with some of the greyhounds that need new homesThe Retired Greyhound Trust is currently in the middle of a re-homing crisis with more than 40 dogs at its Harlow kennels needing new homes.

    The charity has more than 1,000 dogs in kennels across the country waiting for new homes and another 1,000 recently retired from the track and awaiting a place in kennels.

    Trust director Ivor Stocker said the economic downturn had hit the charity hard, with fewer people willing to take on the expense of caring for an animal.

    “As the nation tightens its belt we find ourselves suffering as a charity,” he said. “Although we announced record homings last year with 4,700 dogs going to loving homes, we are nearly half way through this year and we are already way down on homings which is a huge worry.”

    Mr Stocker said greyhounds undergo a transformation after leaving the track and make suitable pets for both young families and retired people.

    “They turn from speed machines to docile couch potatoes who love to loll around and get fussed,” he said. “All they want is a loving family or owner to look after them.

    “Contrary to popular belief, most greyhounds get on well with other pets, including other dogs and cats.

    “More and more retired couples and older people who are on their own are taking on retired greyhounds as companions.

    “The fact they only require two 20-minute walks a day suits many people whose circumstances mean they can’t get out for long walks several times a day.”

    He added: “The volunteers at our Harlow branch are very experienced at ensuring that the right dog goes with the right family, so we can effectively provide people with a tailor-made pet whose personality suits them and their lifestyle.” ... hounds.htm

    Somerset charity reports rise in number of dumped dogs

    A greyhound and lurcher charity has raised concerns about an increase in the number of dogs being abandoned.

    Greyhound Rescue West of England, based in Radstock, Somerset, took in and rehomed 763 dogs in 2009 compared to 513 in 2008.

    Often the dogs are bred for racing, but after the pick of a litter is taken, the rest are dumped, the charity said.

    Trustee Jan Lake said the rise in the number of rescues was putting a strain on the charity.

    Waiting list
    "In the past week, we've had a litter of puppies abandoned in a cardboard box," she said.

    "The mother was tied up to a tree. She's got very bad mange and the puppies are in a bad condition with kennel cough.

    "We've taken a bitch from a pound in the north east (of England) which was very heavily pregnant.

    "We have about 80 dogs across the charity in need and a huge list of dogs waiting to come into us."

    Please educate yourself before making ridiculous statements that have the potential to see many greyhounds who desperately need a home either imprisoned to a kennel or destroyed because no home can be found.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
  16. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    In response to 'An alternative Opinion'

    I cannot speak for other groups – only that of Greytexploitations as the coordinator and for me - myself.

    The dogs ‘surplus to requirement’ are not the responsibility of greyhound protection groups – they are the responsibility of the gambling industry. An industry that rakes in – on average - £180,000 gross profit on each dog but only contributes a pathetic – on average - £170 towards a greyhounds life outside of racing.

    Unfortunately for the greyhound the industry condones and promotes - under the Rules of Racing - the treatment of dogs as disposable commodities and once a dog is of no further use the dog can be destroyed or the responsibility for that dog dumped onto someone else.

    I consider these as cruel practices and IMO – no body else but the industry are responsible for the greyhounds that are over bred, culled, injured, abused, neglected and destroyed to provide a betting medium for gamblers – whether the track is running at a huge profit or whether it has been forced to close.

    Having said that - I have fostered and adopted many greyhounds. I have house trained them, socialised them, de-flead, de-loused and de-wormed them - fed and clothed them. Taught them how to play and how to accept affection. I have cared for dogs still in the pounds and re-homing kennels - transported dogs to and from the vets and across the country. I have fundraised for and given donations to many re-homing groups.

    So regardless that I legally campaign to raise awareness and expose the industry – I think I have done more than your average person in the street has for the ex racing greyhound.

    Please show proof of this supposed hatred I have for the controlling bodies of greyhound racing. I do not hate them – I pity them for their lack of compassion for the innocent souls they know are being abused and neglected.

    I harbour no hatred for anyone - hatred is a negative emotion that creates an unbalanced and unhealthy mind, body and soul - which are no good to anyone – let alone anyone caring for animals.

    When a track closes - I establish whether funds have been set in place – by the industry – to ensure the welfare of redundant dogs and if necessary, I will appeal to independent re-homing groups and the public for help.

    What do you do to stop the blood shed and slaughter Footloose?
  17. footloose


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    I have no firm opinion, so I decided to post this view to canvas other peoples opinions.
  18. footloose


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    This woman Jodie who agitates for the closure of greyhound tracks, even though she is aware that re-homing charities cannot cope even with the gradual off-loading of greyhounds by the Industry (As she has just posted), doesn't give a stuff just how many extra hounds will die because of her if she is victorious in her vendetta. This woman is a bigger danger to the greyhound than anybody else involved in racing. An Anti-Greyhound Racing Crusader that thinks piles of dead greyhounds are a price that has to be paid to make [name removed] a very happy woman. Quite honestly, she makes me ****

    Please educate yourself before making ridiculous statements that have the potential to see many greyhounds who desperately need a home either imprisoned to a kennel or destroyed because no home can be found
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
  19. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    Very concerning that the perpetual destruction of 12,000 greyhounds annually - deemed surplus to the requirements of the industry - does not make you sick.

    Had you educated yourself on the financing of the industry - you would know that the bookmaker's levy is always paid a year in arrears.

    Therefore when a track closes - the levy generated from the betting of dogs in the previous year can be spent on ensuring the dogs welfare until permanent homes are found - as we saw when external pressure was placed on the industry by greyhound protection groups following the closure of Walthamstow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
  20. footloose


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    As I have been in the greyhound Industry for many, many years, and not just two minutes like you, I would say my understanding of the greyhound Industry is far superior than yours. So I'm very aware how many greyhounds would end up dead if you had your way. You don't give a damn as long as you get your way, and to hell with the carnage that would ensue. Beware Greyhounds, Trudy Baker is certainly no friend of yours.
  21. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    Footloose- personal attacks are neither welcome nor constructive. Have you merely joined this forum to critisize other Greyhound owners?

    Like others, I don't know what the answer is, but the Grey doesn't have a 'family dog' reputation to the average joe in the street. I would bet if you asked 100 people about Greyhounds most would say they need loads of exercise and kill smaller animals. Educating people looking for a rescue dog that Greys make great pets is the first step IMO to help those in need find homes.

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