Greyhound homing scandal Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Ellis, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Ellis

    Ellis New Member

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    Greyhound homing scandal

    A greyhound not earning its keep has to go and many of the dogs are being off-loaded by their trainer without any concern given for the animal’s future welfare. Please view:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2010
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  3. borderladysue

    borderladysue New Member

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    Sadly there are so many of these poor dogs advertised FREE around this area, and a lot of them quite young, i went to a local dog show the other week and the greyhound rescue were there with the dogs wearing tabards stating give me a home please, so heart breaking.:-(
  4. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    And again sadly its not just greyhounds this happens too, go look at some of the free ads, there are HUNDREDS of dogs just being given away willy nilly to anyone that will take them.

  5. spot

    spot New Member

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    Im afraid its totally indicative of those involved with and those who support this industry. Anyone supporting greyhound racing supports this side of the so call 'sport' as well. Not one trainer/owner that I have come into contact with has gven a damn where the dogs go to - whether it be to rescue, some bloke down the road with a bolt gun (even though thats perfectly acceptable to some on here) or just dumped muzzled to starve to death. The ones offered free to good home are the lucky ones believe me!

    Of course its not just greyhound BUT greyhound are bought by owners KNOWING they will get rid of them into rescue (if they are lucky and not just taken a spade or bolt gun to) when they are past their usefullness - whether it be for profit or 'entertainment' value or just the kudos of owning a racing dog. They are nothing more than meat to these people and those that support or 'enjoy' the entertainment the 'stock' give.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2010
  6. CovetKaty

    CovetKaty New Member

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    I have to say though, the RGT do wonderful work. We got Megan last year from RGT Sutton and they explained everything so well. We had a home check where they brought a greyhound of theirs round to show us how big they actually are and to be honest, if they hadn't asked US as many questions as we asked them I would have been suprised and probably not adopted from them. We donated £200 to them (100 more than meg's adoption fees) and regularly donate to them now.

    It's horrible how many get dumped on them though, I know they're aware how many are wrongfully PTS because they've passed their 'use by date' so to speak but the waiting list for their kennels is obscene now. Speaking of which, the RGT in Portsmouth was totally overwhelemed when the stadium shut down!

    I think it's so awful what happens to the more unlucky ones. But for the ones that do end up with RGT they get what they need after a life of entertaining the masses.

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