For the sakes of the Bull Breed Discussions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Hayley SBT, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    For the sakes of the Bull Breed

    Please stop and think for a min

    For those who maybe judge the bull breed or mastiff breeds

    How many molosser (mastiff and bull breeds) have gone to attack you or others that your WITNESS (remember hearsay is damaging and also many have a thing for hype lol)

    Sit down and list the breeds in your head that have gone to attack you or tried to bite you etc or even growled at you

    I think something like this is needed to show that any breed can bite and more than likely there wont be mnay molosser when people do list the breeds

    Azz if this is not ok please remove
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  3. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Ill start

    Dog Breeds that have gone to attack me or growled at more or bitten me

    2 Collie (Bitten)
    Jack Russell (growled)
    Labador (growled)
    Yorkshire terrier (bitten)

    remember any breed can attack :-(
  4. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Well, up on our green this morning there were 9 dogs. My two gsd's, a little collie called Sally, a border terrier, two Old English sheepdogs, a golden retriever, a little bitsa, and a black lab guide dog in training, and guess who caused trouble?????? My friend's sbt attacked the little collie and grabbed her around the neck coz he wanted her ball!!!!???? One minute he's ok with all of them, and the next minute he does this!

    Apart from a great big bull mastiff X who had Cassie's head in his jaws one morning, I can't say that Ive ever witnessed any other attacks?:?
  5. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    hi helena how r u ?

    Yes staffords are dog aggressive but surley every stafford owner should know this right?
    I dont trust my dogs with each other 100 percent let alone anyone else dogs
    Humans i do but not dogs
    Apart of the stafford spirit is dog aggression if you cant handle that then please do not own a stafford

    But im talk human attacks here not dog agression as there were bred for fighting other dogs so what do we expect?
  6. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Oh sorry, got it wrong again then!:blush: This has happened before though, so she should KNOW to put her dog on a lead when there are other dogs around with balls (rubber ones!). She will, for a week or two, until it happens again!

    Well, as for human attacks, can't say I've heard of any around here and I certainly haven't witnessed any - thank goodness!
  7. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Out of all the staffords we had i *think* only one was strange dog aggressive-yes i am the first to admit, they do naturally have an 'edge' when concerning other dogs...but i also believe, how they are brought up has a LOT to do with how they are-as in any breed.
    As for human attacks..i can only say i have been gone for by two dog of this type...i don't believe we can say one breed, one group, one type of dog is naturally nasty, as i said previouslly i think it is how these dogs are brought up that matters most.
  8. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    thanks luke for the reply hun hope u and your dogs are well and ralph is lovely btw
    Thanks helena i agree that if the dog has attacked other dogs before then should remain on a lead as staffords can do so much damage to other dogs and owners can do to much damage to thier staffords... sadly
  9. Foxy


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    I think I have only ever been bitten by a dog once in all my life and that was when I was about 3 and it was my sisters friends Whippet. I wouldn't be scared of an SBT but I am wary of some of them because I know that some of them don't like other dogs very much - I also find this with JRT's they seem to love people like the Staffy does but not keen on their own kind.:? A lovely little JRT came running to me the other day wagging its tail and I stroked it and thought what a lovely little dog - it then ran off down the road and started attacking a boxer which was on a lead :shock: It wasn't giving up either till its owner dragged it off.

    I have never felt scared of an SBT though because they do seem lovely with people and children.:grin:
  10. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Both my boys have been bitten and i have too,Thomas was bit by a german shepherd,just missing a main artery in his arm,he needed stitches,but apparently this dog had done this before:-(
    Luke was bitten badly by our own dog bullmastiff,it wasn't just a bite it was a very nasty attack and he still is very nervous of big dogs,that morning will live with me for the rest of my life:-(
    I was bitten by a lab cross that went to attack our stafford,but bit me instead:-(
  11. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Your poor boy nissan i would be soworried the owners of the bullmastiff should be ashamed and sadly the dogs should be pts as bullmastiffs are so gentle with humans and more so with children

    I hope your boy gains confidence with bigger dogs as its a shame
  12. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    i understand foxy its right to be aware that staffords can be dog aggressive but like i said it should be the owners of the stafford that know that the most to save an attack on another dog

    How r u
    I hope u and yours are well x
  13. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I am rather cautious (just keep an eye on things) when bull breeds are around my dogs but have to say they are usually one of the friendliest breeds with people that I have come across.
  14. Foxy


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    Yes there used to be a lovely one up the road from me called Lucy and she was lovely - she didn't bother much with other dogs - but she always had to carry a rock in her mouth - you never saw her without one. They are beautiful dogs and I wouldn't mind one myself but I have heard they can be very windy...........:lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yes we are all fine thanks Hayley - hope you and your doggies are too - I haven't seen the piccys yet because I am on dial up and they take too long to load up but I will as soon as I get my beloved broadband back when BT get their finger out........:evil: :evil:
  15. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    Reading through the other posts, I rememer now about a past friend of mine who rescued a gsd. She told me that one day out of the blue it suddenly went for her and pinned her down on the kitchen floor. I also remember somebody else once telling me about a gsd they rescued attacking them and I seem to remember he said it was when he was on the floor already, and he assumed it was because the dog had never seen him in that position or something? Maybe the other friend of mine had done something like that too, to make the dog nervous, so it attacked her? My brother was bitten very badly on his hand by a scottie when I was very young, but I remember it happening, and I think it hurt and there was a lot of blood!
  16. Zetacharlie

    Zetacharlie New Member

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    Ive only been bitten once- I was 10 and had a paper round. Went to the back door and the owners ChiHuahua ran at me and bit my finger-I was sooo upset I thought Id done something wrong:cry: Ive had Yorkies snap at me......I think the "small dog "syndrome- fear aggression....
  17. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Hmm not sure if my memory stretches back far enough! :lol:


    Gsd cross (Bitten - Hand)
    WSD x 2 (Bitten - First one hand, 2nd one face)

    Gsd x 4 (Usually the neck area on Woody, Pickles had his foot bitten as he was being lifted in to the air by his lead)
    WSD: (Knocked Pickles over and went for his face)
    EBT: (Dragged Woody down by the neck)

    I have to say I'm cautious with all the above breeds for obvious reasons, once bitten twice shy I guess. But what terrified me about the EBT was the swiftness and visciousness of the attack. If I hadn't got her off Woody she would've killed him - that for me is the difference. Most dogs will have a scrap and leave it at that (unless unhinged for some reason) but bull terriers (not sure about molossors) were bred for a certain purpose, so can do more damage during a fight.

    I understand what you're saying though and don't hold any prejudice against them. I'm just that bit more cautious! ;-)
  18. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Very good point.

    Only dogs that have ever been a bit funny with me:

    One a terrier cross-breed that was possessive of its bed.
    One a collie that stood in front of me, raised its hackles and growled. My beloved mongrel saw it off :lol:
    One a young GSD - not sure if it was me or Loki it fancied a piece of :roll: but Loki saw that one off :p .

    No bull breeds - not ever :grin: I've always found them to be absolutely lovely with people. My neighbour has a lovely staffie and she is the sweetest dog ever. My OH is totally smitten with her.
  19. Sara1210

    Sara1210 New Member

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    As a small child i was bitten by a Rottweiler x German shepherd :shock: luckily it didnt really sink its teeth in too far.

    My elder brother on the other hand had his face bitten really badly by a collie when he was 5 :evil: the dog just missed his eye and he had loads of stitches near his eye and on his cheek :-( He is now 22 and the scares are still very visible :-(
  20. darasa

    darasa New Member

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    I have been bitten by
    English Bull Terrier
    Mongrel .....owned by my family when I was growing up

    My dog is constintently " hunted " by springer spaniels.. so far she has not been bitten .. but that is down to my vigilance and nothing else!!
  21. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    sorry changed my mind about the post..sorry

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