Dogs living in England don't forget to tell your owners General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by 6JRT's, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Dogs living in England don't forget to tell your owners

    Remember all owners who live in England put your clocks back 1 hour at 2am

    Its hard to get my dogs to stay in bed longer in the morning, when the clocks go back an hour, yet have no problem getting them up when the clocks go forwards.

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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ours also go back tonight - much later this year than usual which is a Good Thing as they used to back far too early, so I started changing my clocks this morning.

    I have wall clocks everywhere, a clock/radio/telephone one side of the bed, an alarm clock the other side [as well as a wall clock above the window facing the foot of my bed].

    One in the back room, one in the kitchen [as well as two alarm clocks in there, the clock on the microwave and one on my kitchen scales...]

    Two in the salon [one above the TV and one on the window wall which I can see just by looking to my left... one on the music centre... one alarm clock on my printer which sits next to my monitor... and one on the shelf where my computer sits.

    The one on the TV satellite box changes automatically but the one on my computer monitor has to be changed. Oh, and the mobile also changes automatically.

    Which leaves two watches [which I usually forget to do until I go somewhere as I do not wear a watch in the house] - and I will no doubt find that I have missed one as usual!

    I actually do have a reason for all these clocks, and it is called Pereg.

    Which reminds me, I must leave her 11pm pill until 11.30pm as her 7am pill tomorrow will actually be due at 6am according to the clock, so half hour late for the one due now, then half hour late for the morning one, which will take me back to the normal 7am, 3pm and 11pm clock times.

    [Malka thinks very carefully to make sure she has gotten it right...]
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    My granddaughter clock will be done on Monday by Smith clocks, all other clocks been done already by my men.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Actually two of my clocks are never changed. One is called POST and the other POWT.

    POST is Permanently On Summer Time as it is an electronic one and used to have hysterics when I tried to change it so I do not bother any more. Effie set it properly last time the batteries ran out, and when it needs new batteries it will have to wait until Effie comes round again.

    POWT is Permanently On Winter Time as it is too high up for me to get down [there is a reason why it is where it is though]. And that, too, has to wait until A Tall Man can get it down - and put it back up.

    Oh yes, and I have my beloved little carriage clock which died some years ago, but as it was given to me by a very close friend over 40 years ago I keep it as the CD version of a bookend. He is permanently on 12 o'clock! :lol:
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    An hour is neither here or there, as I have lost all track of normal time. Monday starts our 4th week of sleeping in shifts to prevent Tweed inflicting further damage to her stump - it is healing, but certainly not as quickly as I expected. Last Saturday she had to go to the weekend clinic, as when I changed her dressing it looked as if she had started with a sticky anaerobic infection. Boss vet cleaned and freshened the site, and said we should leave it open to the air, but when she sits or turns she keeps knocking the scab and making it bleed - Hey ho. At other times she runs round as if she's been stung - but I think that is just her reaction to an itchy stump!
    The vet also said that her heart sounds were no better (just keep taking the tablets), and she's having quite a few spasms of coughing and reverse sneezing. Although she's still greedy and active, she seems to be ageing so suddenly - which is probably one reason why the healing is slow. Perhaps I'm just feeling a bit negative due to tiredness, and next week I'll be posting that all is well!
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Poor Tweed and poor you [and your OH] Carole, having to sleep in shifts. I am still including her in my prayers. (((hugs))) xx

    Well, one clock and one watch left to change. The computer did it itself but I am sure that my previous ones had to be changed by me :017:

    I do not bother changing the time on the two air-con remotes, or on my loads of small cordless phones [mostly one "mother" and two "daughter" types] as I never set the air-con's on automatic timing, and the time on the phones always needs re-setting after a power cut, even if it is only a two second flick off hiccup.

    But I am not sure why I thought that today was 1 November? :102:
  8. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Malka I know its because its darker now :044:

    @CaroleC Hope Tween little stump gets better soon x
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Well it is certainly not November weather - I am shvitzing and the air-con is on - just when I thought the summer high lecci bills would ease of with the easing of the heat. :mad:

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