Do Chihuahuas do "normal" dog things Discussions

Discussion in 'Chihuahua' started by catsta2001, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. catsta2001

    catsta2001 New Member

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    Do Chihuahuas do "normal" dog things

    This is something i often wonder about, esp when i am walking my two.

    Do Chihuahua do "normal" dog things, like.....when off lead in the woods forexample, do they run about like lunatics, in the mud, through brambles, ask for sticks to be thrown etc etc.

    They just seem like such refined little things, i cant imagine them behaving like that. 8)
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  3. Mother*ship

    Mother*ship New Member

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    I'm expect Cheeky Chihuahua will be along in a minute to give you a full answer but I'm sure they do! :lol:

    My Affen, Gozo, is about the same size as a Chi at the moment and like all small dogs he's just the same as any other dog, just in a small package.

    He had the most amazing zoomies in the park this morning, he's really fast! He's not bothered about sticks for more than a second but loves squeaky toys. He constantly seems to be covered in bits of twig and leaves although he doesn't do muddy puddles as he doesn't like getting wet.

    He loves to play with other dogs, irrespective of their size.

    I suppose some owners of little dogs baby them and don't treat them like a normal dog which may explain why the ones you meet seem so refined!

  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Chihuahua's are cracking little dogs, everything you want in a big dog, in a small package!!!
  5. catsta2001

    catsta2001 New Member

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    Yeah, when ever you see Chi's they are always either dressed up or under someones arm. 8)
  6. tigertail

    tigertail New Member

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    No, my Chi never played with sticks as she was so small. But played with her stuffed toy. It probably depends on their size and how robust they are. Monkey was tiny and very refined but she did play and loved to mix on her terms...
  7. catsta2001

    catsta2001 New Member

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    But do they enjoy running through puddles, getting muddy etc. I just cant imagine a ittle Chi doing that lol.
  8. sarah45

    sarah45 New Member

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    My chi is defo a proper little dog. Hello, by the way!!Im shortly off to the intro page but couldnt resist giving my two penneth as I have a chihuahua and a chiweenie called Adam and Hannah!!:mrgreen:
    Adam in particular has the soul of a terrier! Loves long walks thro muddy fields, happy to go for 2 or 3 hours. Very fond of rolling in fox poo, and will make a bee line for any other dogs he sees. Particularly likes staffs and JRTs who he tries to get to join him in a game of chase. Hannah is a more reserved girlie and tends to prefer people and cats to other dogs, (looooves cats and would much rather wrestle with her 'sister' my 14wk old putten, who thinks she's a dog).:shock:
    Have to say though, neither likes to play interactive games when out just walk, chase and socialize and its true chihuahua's actually melt if they go out in the rain!!!LOL
  9. Mouse

    Mouse New Member

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    Hi, I have a chi x JRT. She;s 3/4 chi but looks & acts 100% chi. My neighbour has her brother. My dog loves to bomb about and for the first time today I let her off the lead on the park. She looked like a little greyhound running - ears flat back and back legs nearly overtaking the front ones. I was determined when I got her she wouldn't be a 'handbag dog' & she's only had her homemade fleece on when absolutely freezing. She does proper doggy things. Having said neighbours dog has been shoved in a handbag & dressed up in a gold hoodie with bling harness & lead and has all the negative traits of a handbag dog. The owner panics when she sees a cat (for fear of the cat attacking the dog :roll: ). I think it is very dependent on how the chi is trained/raised to how they turn out...which I suppose is a silly & obvious thing to write! I can see how without a determined mind how easy it is to just get into the habit of scooping the poor pup up all the time - my hand bag is always full and far too heavy already for these shenanigans.
  10. Harleygjc

    Harleygjc New Member

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    I've 3 chi's and one chi/jrt cross and they do run around like loonies! my jrt cross was recently called by a friend "attitude" as he does have a bit of one, he recently went for his morning walk and was approached by two large friendly collies, fine you think? well he took dislike to them being in his field and he chased the pair of them to the other end of the field with the collie owners laughing at how wimpy their dogs were! my others would attack any person who walks past that they don't like. but in general they are just as naughty as any other breed.
  11. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    Interesting thread!!

    I would love to see more Chis careering through the woods!!!.....i think!! :)
  12. Harleygjc

    Harleygjc New Member

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    haha what a great sight that would be:lol: if I took mine to something like that they would probably end up fighting!
  13. buzzie

    buzzie New Member

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    I think the Chi finds great excitement in everything in life and that is what endears them to so many.
  14. miz66

    miz66 New Member

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    Thank god it's not just my Chi who acts like you guys have said. I thought I'd got the daft one of the bunch, he's only 5 months but runs around the garden like a greyhound. We've not got to taking him off the lead on walks yet he's very hyper and we need to be sure he'd come back. He loves sticks and the pebble part of the garden is going to be fenced off for a while as the pebbles are all over the house. He also likes to eat daisy's we try to stop this but he's just so quick.
  15. Chi-Owner

    Chi-Owner New Member

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    My chi is VERY active, Although when you play fetch with a ball he just looks at you daft like.... "HA you threw it you go get it" but he will play fetch with my jack-chi's pink poodle teddy.

    Out on a walk
    He used to hate mud and rain but since moving he is always in the mud at the bottom of the garden.
    As long as he is enjoying then im happy :)

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