Hi all, Going get oreo DNA tested just for the funn of it because all my holidays have been cancelled for this year so I have money to play about with after donating what I can to needed charities so does anyone know the best place to get this done in the UK and what I need to do Thanks
Wisdom Panel is the cheapest and simplest for little more breed identification. Embark is more detailed, but I think it will blind you with detail. (Genetic markers etc.). I won a Wisdom Panel test and used it on Eddie my rescue Beagle. It said that he was 100% Beagle, and had a roughly equal proportion of UK and US show bloodlines, (true for most UK Beagles). The only health guidance was a warning for obesity, (also true for 90% of UK Beagles). It was easy to do, and the results were quicker than I expected - as you say, a bit of interest.
Thanks for the advice carolec after having a look at the wisdom panel test I decided to buy it and it had £15 off so it was a good deal as well. I can't wait to see the results it's going be interesting to see if oreo is a jack rusell or a mixed breed everway I think oreo is always going be a really nice dog and it's only for my pleasure . I'll post the out come of the DNA test when it's been done Thsnks
I did the Embark Breed+Health test on my boy. Total mutt. Tons of different breeds. But it did also find that he has PRA-PRCD which will eventually lead to blindness. I am happy to know that so I can be prepared. Very scientific and half of it I didn't know what it meant... But all in all cool and informative.