It is raining and she does not "do" rain so she cannot go out and come in when she fancies as she usually does. Also I am a very bad human as I refuse to have the door open so she can sit/flonk by the door and watch the world go by. Well, if I do the rain will come in, plus it is fffffffreeeeezin'. She does not want to play, just gives me "the look" as if to say it is all my fault. Well of course it is, to her everything is my fault. So she is sulking!
Big brown eyes accusing you of making it rain & you won't even have the door open tut tut, bet when you do want her to go out she just give you that evil stare, that says now you want me outside xxxx
Luckily the rain stopped a couple of times so she could go out and pee - and hopefully poo as well, but now I have 12m of sodden, muddy and sandy rope strewn everywhere. Yucksville.
So cold here in previously warm, sunny Florida that my pack of Chihuahua's are now sticking noses out from under the electric blanket to see if it's warm enough to get up. They'll lay there and let that kidney float before coming out in the cold. Tonight we are dribbling the water in the kitchen sink so the pipes don't freeze. Expecting the wind chill down to below 16F tonight. Florida my A@@!