I've had to research whether dates are safe for dogs (they are, though too many can cause diarrhoea). I spilled a big bag of pitted dates on the floor, and I thought rather than waste them I'd put them on the big bird table because we have a flock of jackdaws who eat anything. Except, it seems, dates. I can only assume that they tossed them off the table in disgust, because I have now discovered that Chico has been busying himself bringing the dates in one by one and hiding them under cushions etc. I now have to check before I go out to make sure I haven't got a date stuck to me!
I read the heading wrongly and had visions of Chico dating tiny girl dogs! Mind you knowing him I wouldn't put it past him!
Oh I love it! The idea of Chico going out on dates! I am sure there are many suitable outfits available from the chihuahua boutiques - not that he'd wear them, he just about tolerates his harness.
Some people on the Epi List put their dog's pills in pitted dates, usually half a date is sufficient unless the dog has a slew of pills each time.