Da mini-monster again General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Da mini-monster again

    If you come here and expect Tikva to lick
    better not bend down
    or you ears, nose or chin
    will get bit 'till you frown

    And watch out for your hands
    and your arms as well
    as the mini-monster
    will give you a yell

    Do not forget
    to wear closed up shoes
    as she is quite happy
    to have feet for chews

    And I love her?
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    :043: :044: :043: :044:

    But she's so cute with a lovely innocent face :077:
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Any sign of her adult teeth yet Malka? I'm sure that she'll be less bitey when the needles fall out.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - I have no idea. Her teeth look the correct size for her jaws and are not tiny needles and I definitely have not noticed any missing.

    But oh is she difficult and trying to catch her is almost impossible, and my salon looks like a wreck once she is finally up. The bed I bought for Baby Ziva is only now used as yet another toy box because if Da Mini-Monster wants a nap during the day well, what is the couch for?

    And, although there is no sign of it yet, both Lexi [who weighed a lot less than Tikki] and Pereg had their first season at five-months-old and Tikva is two weeks over that age, Michal, her primary vet, wants to spay her at six months, which I think is too young, even though she is big enough and weighs enough. I just think it is too young and it is not as if she goes out by herself. She also sleeps in her crate at night and I can easily cover the couch during the day if she is messy.

    But I do not think that spaying will stop her biting/nibbling so I will not agree to that yet.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    My vets like to spray female dogs after their first season, but The Rescue Home vets like to spray female dogs before they have their first season, both my vets & The Rescue Home vets won't neuter a male dog until they are 12 months old.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think I will have to listen to Michal. The only problem is that if Tikki needs to wear a cone [Lexi did not, Pereg did] there is no way she will fit in her crate, even though it is quite a big one.

    Also she has never been to the surgery as Michal [and then Vadim] came here for her shots [and microchip] and much as I want Ram to meet the mini-monster and he will be doing the surgery, I will have to leave her there from about 9am and then bring her home around 3pm. And somehow I do not think Tikki will be happy about that, although Michal will be on duty after 3pm and both she and Tikki adore each other.

    Ram usually uses staples although Lexi had regular stitches, but as I did not know how to remove them, he used regular stitches for Pereg so I could remove them. I do know now how to remove staples but no way will the mini-monster just lay on her back and let me remove either stitches or staples.

    When I say she is a Mini-Monster, believe me she is.
  8. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I used these on my dogs when they were neutered & when K9 ripped one of his claws outs.

    Used when sprayed/neutered
    $T2eC16RHJGkFFm6mRNdEBSKSlRi,ng~~60_3.jpeg $_3.jpeg

    When K9 ripped claw out

    Just cut to down for neck depth
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tina, I can only get the normal cones here. If Tikva needs to wear one, which I am sure she will, she will have to be shut in the salon and Lord only knows what she will get up to - but knowing Tikki, nothing is safe from her.

    I have to think about it - probably it will be better for her to be spayed before she has her first season, even though it is not my ideal time. But then it was not my ideal time to adopt her at just three-weeks-old.

    That might have been wrong but it turned out to be right, and I can not and will not blame her for biting because of that, because most of the time she is adorable. I am sure she does not realise that she is hurting me and is not doing it deliberately, but just look at my right forearm


  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I should have said that she does not mean to hurt me - and at my age with my so very thin skin [close up photographs making it look worse than it is], it does not take much to tear it.

    She is happy. She is healthy. She plays with toys nearly all day except when it is zonk time on the couch.

    And she sleeps in her night crate, only waking me when she needs a poo and/or a pee, going straight back [wivva nikkle bikkie] until I am ready for up time. Thank crunchie for puppy pee pads although why does she not use the one in her crate?
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Just another thing to add about Tikva and biting. She definitely does not mean to hurt and has no idea that her mouthing does hurt. Shulamit's husband from across the road has just brought in Shulamit's Friday offering. He had two of his very young little grandchildren with him, wanting to see Tikki - but I had put her in her crate as I had needed a rest, so I said wait and I will get her.

    What I did not expect was a very young little boy following me in my home for me to open Tikki's crate. You think she cared? It was lick lick lick love and she followed him back so she could lick lick love his toddler sister.

    If I thought for one second she would hurt anyone [except me, but she really does not mean to do so] I would not let her near anyone, let alone a very young child. And people know that.

    I know I call her a Mini-Monster and say she is evil, but she really is not. She is just a five-month-old puppy who was never given the chance to learn puppy behaviour by her dam or siblings. If only that Russian girlfriend would not have left them when she boogered off with the dam [after no doubt not only gotten the "boyfriend" to pay her fare over here, together with the cost of bringing a pedigree Doxie and heck knows what else] and then just left with her dog when the puppies were only three-weeks old, just leaving them, not even weaned, maybe Tikva would have learned not try to be so rough with me. Who knows.

    And who knows what happened to the rest of the litter? The Russian did not take them.
  12. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Puppies will test the hand that feeds them, Condom (Tiny) was my father in-law dog & he would bite him (not to hurt him but just because he could) like you Malka he as fragile skin so one little non hard bite would leave teeth marks, its the same with my hooligans they will fight with my men & bite them not hard enough to break skin, but with enough pressure to leave teeth marks, but they don't fight or bite me just lick me xx
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If I had been the slightest worried, I would have said sorry, the puppy is sleeping. But Rafaƫl has known Tikki since she has been here, and although I have no idea how many young grandchildren he and Shulamit have, I have had loads of them visiting with him when they go with their parents for Shabbat.

    Both he, Shulamit and I know that Tikva is perfectly safe. Do you think they would bring their little grandchildren over if they were worried? And do you think I would let Tikki near them if I thought she might hurt them?
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    They have just visited again! I had the door open on the chain and saw the little boy running down the path calling "Tikva, Tikki Tikki Tikva". I could not get hold of her to clip on onto a leash but knowing she would not go run run and knowing how safe she is with children I just unhooked the chain and let her go to them.

    A quick cuddle from them both and she shot back in to me!
  15. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Its great how she's will always run back to you, there's a family I know that has 3 Dachshunds that can never be let off leads or they will just RUN RUN RUN, have spent many hours helping to catch them, when they have escaped from the house after one of the kids have left the front door open.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Now I have new back wheels on Tontoo I will be able to take Tikva out. The question is, what will she think of that? I mean I could not take her out until after she had had her rabies shot, then the solid rubber tire one of the back wheels started peeling off, and the delumptious one had problems getting the wheels as the company was not working for most of the four weeks of High Holy Days and Festivals.

    She definitely is not keen on being on a leash indoors and as there is nowhere safely secure here, she will always be on either a leash fixed to Tontoo, or on Pereg's very long one for when we went on the tractor paths or the large green area next to the school football pitch..

    She gets more than enough exercise, leaping all over the couch, then to the recliner, then back again, and scuttles and scurries through the bungalow far faster than seems possible. Luckily she is too small to get on my bed, which is much higher than a normal one. She just does not seem to like the great outdoors although is more than happy to sit in the doorway when the door is on the chain so she can look out. She also gets on the bamboo chair under the window and stands up so she can look out. She has rock solid muscles which is probably why she is heavy for her size.

    I have also taken her over to the macolet on Xanadu on my lap - leashed - and she is OK about that, plus she was let out of her carry bag when David took us to the Pension the other day, but she would not go more than a few metres if she could not see me.

    And I will never forget her getting under the refrigerator/freezer and having to break the kick-plate out so she could get out. And what about the evening she went missing and I could hear her but she was never where her eeps came from? Until when, around 4am I unlocked the front door and there she was, and yet that door had been locked and the chain on all day? Maybe that is why she does not like the great outdoors?

    Once she gets used to going out with Tontoo, I might think about trying her with The Silver Monster, but she really is far too small for him.

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