Could my dog be mistaken for pitbull? BSL

Discussion in 'American Pit Bull Terrier' started by misskatie20, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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    Could my dog be mistaken for pitbull?

    She is brindle,am bulldog cross staff.

    I have no problem with pit bulls only owners who raise them to be viscous giving a bad name.

    My worry is that when she gets older, the police could take her away if they see her when I'm walking her.

    I have no papers to prove what she is, can't bare the thought of her being taken off me she's such a baby.

    Do you think this type of cross looks like a pit bull type? Or is it actually a pit bull type?
    And if I've got no papers what could I do should it happen?

    Thanks x
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  3. WhichPets

    WhichPets New Member

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    I wouldn't worry too much. I think (I could be wrong) that they can seize pit bull type dogs. However socialise your dog well, keep safe, be sensible and I'm sure you will be fine.

    I watched a program where someone admitted police to not usually randomly patrol and seize dogs, they do not have the time; they will normally investigate dogs with complaints against them/dogs in the hands of troublesome owners etc.
    My friend owns a pit (according to her). The dog is about 3, police have asked her and she says it is a staffie cross. No further questions or trouble.
  4. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    I would simply tell everyone she`s a Boxer x Staff, buy her a pink collar and not ever mention the P word, personally.
  5. Murf

    Murf New Member

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    Post a photo,
  6. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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    There is no guarantee that your dog may not be seized under the current law which is why I often wonder why people get the dogs they do, for me it would be too much of a risk unless I had evidence to refute the allegation.

    As the current law stands, the onus of proof lies with the OWNER not the authorities.

    Make sure your dog is a model citizen, never even joke that your dog is anything to do with a pitbull, go to training classes and go for the KCGCT, all of which can stand you in good stead should your dog be the subject of scrutiny.

    If you got her from a rescue they legally cannot pass a dog on if they believe it to be a pit bull type.
  7. Jugsmalone


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    Do you have any pics of your beautiful girl?
  8. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    This week the police seized a Stafford. She is being returned but she has had to be in a secret Kennel for a week before she is returned.

    The dog was not doing anything wrong.
  9. krlyr


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    The DDA doesn't just apply to Pitbulls as a breed but to Pitbull types. If the dog looks like a Pitbull, it can be siezed. I would do as already has been suggested - never give anyone a reason to complain about your dog, do the KC good citizen scheme, and keep on top of her behaviour - don't let a flawed recall cause her to pester other dogs (even if she just wants to play with them) - dog owners will get protective and if they're wary of Staffy types they may report you for having a dog out of control in a public place. If she barks when left at home, deal with it ASAP - you don't want an annoyed neighbour reporting an "of type" dog because Environmental Health haven't done anything to deal with the issue.
    No one can guarantee you that she won't be classed as of-type but you can only do your best to give no one any reason to report her.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2011
  10. smokeybear

    smokeybear New Member

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  11. kat14778

    kat14778 New Member

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    i have a white and brindle staff cross american bull dog and yes ive had the odd person ask if shes a pit. at the vets she s down as a staffie cross. she has done her good citizen up to gold, clicker training , agility, and wheres very girly collars . ive had her since 6 months she is now very nearly 4 so follow the advice written here dont see why you should have a problem
  12. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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    Thank you for advice, I know nobody can reassure me 100% but its good to know some steps I can take to prevent anything happening. Will definitely starting a training programme asap and go for KCGCT (thanks for great idea) she has got a pink harness and collar.

    How sad about that poor staff who was taken away for nothing! A week is not too long though I've heard of them being gone for much longer. The thought of her being alone and scared for one night is enough to terrify me!

    In answer to why people get these type of dogs - for me, I tried to get rescue dog but couldn't because I live in flat none of the centres got back to me , was looking on gumtree for pedigree staff with papers but found her and she looked so sad on pic in crate all dirty and I knew she needed me.

    Here's a pic -

  13. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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  14. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    She is very pretty and by her head shot I would say she is not type. In fact I would say dhe looks collie cross to me.
  15. misskatie20

    misskatie20 New Member

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    Thanks - when she was very little I could see collie in her too!

    Sorry its only headshot she won't keep still for me to get a pic, she's watching the birds out the window here n'aww


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