My dog had his leg surgery and our vet says that we can use a sleeve if we're not comfortable with the cone. It is our first time using both products and I don't have any idea what is more comfortable for dogs. Any thoughts on here? Thanks!
Cones can be annoying for owners and pets. The dog can't see real well and the cone hits furniture, etc, while the dog is trying to get around. Eating and drinking can be a hassle for the dog. And some dogs can manuever around a cone to reach the incision (had an aussie who chwed through her spay stitches twice while wearing a con - the vet literally cut a hole in the bottom and put a bucket on her head). The sleeve will be less annoying, but may not be enough to stop a determined dog. I would start with the sleeve and watch the dog very closely to make sure he doesn't try to chew through it. At any sign of his starting to chew on the sleeve, grab a cone and use it too.
Pity. I was hoping to be educated about post-op sleeves! The body suits seem very useful, but have not come across the sleeves. Are they difficult to fit?
My dog actually experienced a tplo surgery a year ago and we are thankful to [removed]for doing an amazing job! (not trying to promote or endorse in here.) We use a sleeve that we found online and I prefer it than a cone but still, we cannot changed the fact that both have its downside. others say that sleeve can slower the process of healing because it is not exposed.
I think the OP would have to enquire further to find any information on sleeves. This just seems to be an ad for a vet specialising in TPLO surgery.