I thought this might be a fun discussion. What is the cleverest pet names you've heard? But, it can't be the name of one of your pets - it has to be someone else's naming. For me, my favorite was a name told to me by one of my Mom's cat boarding customers. Mrs. Wright had always had purebred siamese cats over the years and decided to try a siamese mix after meeting my Mom's mix. I happened to have had a rescue litter with two siamese kittens. Mrs Wright adopted the girl and her daughter adopted the boy. When I brought them to her home, she showed me her gallery - her hallway was filled with photos of the cats they had over the years. She pointed out one cat and said "his name was Pete". Then she pointed out another photo and said, we got this cat later and he had the same exact kink in his tail, so my husband named him RePete. Another name I loved was for a main coon kitten my aunt brought home. The landlord's son name him. The cat had a bobbed tail but it was longer than most. He said "his name is Bobby because his tail's too long to be a Bob". My third is a bit of a cheat. One of my Mom's customer's had a polydactyl cat. He had a standard name but they would call him "The Toed Monster". I loved that so much that when I got a polydactyl, I named him Toed. The only clever dog name I can think of is also a bit of a cheat. At the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, John Rhys Davies asks why Sean Connery keeps calling Harrison Ford "Junior". Connery replies with something like "because that's his name! Indiana was the dog's name!" Well, that was true. George Lucas had a dog named Indiana. My dad's husky went to school with Indiana.
My husband's family once had a dog named "Dioji". I don't know how they spelled it, but it's pronounced like you spell the word "dog": "dee oh gee". I spoke to one woman who had a Chihuahua with her. His name was "Twice Nightly" because when he was a puppy, he often wanted to go outside twice a night. Someone I know adopted a new bird, and she noticed a reddish-looking growth underneath one wing. (Being new, he did not trust her enough for her to get very close.) She went took him to the vet, who discovered that it was a mashed cranberry! Now his name is Cranberry.
My late mum used to work with a lady that had a dog and it used to think its name was pi$$ quick because every night it would like to sniff the garden before bed so they use to shout it and it used to respond to it as its name
When we had the rotty, we called him Rommel cos he was always digging up the sand pits and rolling around in it, but the kids when they was little couldn’t say his name properly so he had three names and responded to all of them, which was bobble and bob aswell
The Dioji name got popular for a while there. You don't hear it as often anymore. I like Twice Nightly and Piss Quick - cute triggers. Rommel doesn't count (even if it is cute) because it was your dog. Azeala - When I worked retail, I put out t-shirts with an image of a toad rowing a boat with the caption Toadly Oresome. So I always think of that when I hear totally and/or awesome.
Rommel doesn't count (even if it is cute) because it was your dog. I know it didn’t count but I thought I would tell you anyway, that’s why I replied twice
Sorry, the only unusual one I can think of is Quibble. So appropriate for a Beagle. I love the name and only wish I had the chance to steal it.
Alternatively, here are some names that I think are a bit overused. * Of course, what really matters is the pet being loved and well-cared for! * Dogs: Loki, Thor, Bella, Luna (we actually had a Luna, without realizing how popular the name was), Phantom (I would still use this name, though!) Black-and-white pets: Oreo White pets: Snowball Birds: Mango, Kiwi, Lemon, Rio, Chicken (several people think it's clever to name any non-chicken bird "Chicken"), Blue
I agree on all of those. I'd add Max and Rocky to that list. Had I known Panther was going to stay, I would have given her a more unique name. But it was supposed to be a temporary name until she found a new home. And at the time, she needed the reminder to be a big mighty brave huntress. She seems to be happy with it. My parrots all came pre-named as they were adoptions and older birds. I am more hesitant to rename a 30+ year old bird than a ten year old dog. And I most always change my adopted dogs' names if I don't know what type of home they came from. The few I kept their existing names were well-loved in their prior homes. The one that had been severely abused had her name changed immediately.
Luna was 10-12 years old when we adopted her. The shelter was calling her "Mildred", a name which I've never liked...I think it's too close to "mildew".
My neighbor had two cats and they were named Felony and Miss Demeanor. My second one is I suppose cheating because they were my two cats. Alice n Wonderland. I took them to the vets to be spayed and Wonderland got neutered. So it was just lucky that he wasn’t Alice
I've already mentioned my cats Eartha Kitt and Pussy Willow. Eartha's kittens were Kitt Carson and Cat Stevens. Willow's kits were Tom Puss, Prudence Kitten, and Ginge - because my OH refused to call him Christopher Robin - he was a L/h Red. Hornby's father was the station cat at the long vanished Chapel en le Frith station. He was named by his breeders.