chasing- is it normal in BC's? Behaviour

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by smileyfaces=], Apr 13, 2009.

  1. smileyfaces=]

    smileyfaces=] New Member

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    chasing- is it normal in BC's?

    if irun somewhere, or dance, faith will bark and chase me and jump up...and nip. she dosent usually do this but she tried to chase and nip a little kid who was running up and down the other day. if she drew blood by accident i darent think might happen. shes pretty bad at recall by name, she will come but when she wants. however, true to the collie gene, and ever since a pup she has bolted to you as soon as ya whistle. if i give her a smack on her backend and raise my voice she will sit and look up at me, and wont chase me again for a while. she has improved from her puppy 'anklebiting' days as we realised this was a problem and brought in the water spray (everytime she started chewing our ankle i sprayed her with water and told her off. she never does it anymore) and has generally improved her obdedience , but this is a problem. does anyone elses collies do this, and how did they stop it?? help?:-(
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2009
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  3. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Until you have a reliable recall you should not let this dog off lead and if there is any chance of her biting/ nipping she should be on a short lead.

    Collies are designed to chase and herd and nipping can be part of this but they are very trainable - do you attend a training class? If not a reccommend joining one - your collie would love it and I am sure she will soon be well under control :)
  4. smileyfaces=]

    smileyfaces=] New Member

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    she does have good recall- the whistle is recall, she comes immediatley to that.
    we did but its finished now:grin:
  5. smileyfaces=]

    smileyfaces=] New Member

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    i just went out for a walk with her, and decided to try and improve word recall:)

    i was not very impressed at first and ended up whistling, but she ran over to a guy eating sandwhiches and i called her back with 'faith, faith' and she ran over, so i was very happy and hopefully made it known...

    im looking into flyball, which may improve her obedience.
    thanks for the advice:mrgreen:
  6. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Glad you have had some success. With hard work I am sure it will improve.
  7. smileyfaces=]

    smileyfaces=] New Member

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    i hope so too!:lol:

    i think every dogs got a little bump you have to smooth flat, and otherwise faiths a good dog. i will work hard, and hopefully have so allround sucess:mrgreen:
  8. oldshep52

    oldshep52 New Member

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    Don't use her name/just her name for recall. Use "here" or "that'll do" or similar (actually you can use sausage and mash providing you stick with it). You may find Barbara Sykes or Jan Fennell's books useful as both get rid of some of the BC myths!

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