Boxer...boxer pup coming into the family! General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by hades, May 9, 2009.

  1. hades

    hades New Member

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    Boxer...boxer pup coming into the family!

    My dad and his girlfriend are soon to become the owner of a bouncy boxer pup!:mrgreen:
    They havent started looking or anything, but soon will be!
    (I cant wait):mrgreen: another play mate for my bentley and me :mrgreen: !
    My dad has own 2 rotties and his girlfriend a Old english sheep dog, and have decieded to get a boxer pup to add to the fam!
    I said I would ask some of my dogsey friends some info on any boxer shows, breeders, info and all the relative heath tests that should be done on parents of the pup or any other info that they will find helpful?
    I brought them a boxer book yesterday and a guy who owns two near were they live has been really helpful..he even brought them round the house to show how bouncy and slobbery they can be in the house, and that has only made them want one even more thay are in love with them both!!!:mrgreen:
    Any info or advise from boxer owners or any dogsey friends would be really helpful guys.

    Oh and lots of pics fo my boy and a boxer pup in the coming months to follow! :mrgreen:
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  3. Helena54

    Helena54 New Member

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    FAAAAAANTASTIC:mrgreen: Bet you're as excited as they are! I love little boxer pups, they're sooooo cute, can't wait for pics of this new little arrival:grin: Have fun searching too, you'll have to look at them ALL of course won'tcha!!!:mrgreen:
  4. k9xxb


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    Awwwww cooooool :mrgreen:

    I bet you're more excited than your dad, lol.

    Looking forward to loads puppy pics :001:
  5. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Can't wait for the piccies :grin: I bet Bentley will have fun with a new puppy friend.
  6. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    They won't regret their choice for a moment :lol: Boxers are great family dogs :)

    If you take a look at you can find lists of boxer clubs, shows and breeders and loads more info on boxers.

    Before buying a boxer puppy you should make sure the sire and dam have been heart tested for SAS. They will be given a grade, grade 0 and 1 are ok to breed from so this is what their heart grade should be. Grade 2s can be bred from in certain circumstances but not sure how common it is. Some breeders do not health test so those are the ones I would avoid. I would also avoid buying from the free ads too. You will probably get the odd one that does test but unless the paperwork is seen I would avoid.

    This list is the dogs that are heart tested.

    Cardiomyopathy is also appearing in some lines of boxers :( The Boxer Breed Council have a list of the boxers affected or have produced progeny affected.

    Hopefully some other boxer owners will be able to add some more info :)
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  7. slakey

    slakey New Member

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    Congrats. I'm going through the same excited phase as you, I'm looking for a Old English Mastiff puppy :)

    I've owned 5 boxers since I was born. Basically grew up around them, very nice dogs.
  8. esmed

    esmed New Member

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    Congrats and as others have said a fab choice. We've only had Monty for about 5 months but he's changed our lives in so many ways and every single one has been a good way.

    He is superb with children, fantastic with other dogs and loves people.

    Carole offered some brill advice on the testing as boxers can be prone to heart problems. Any good reputable breeder will have no problem with you asking about heart or any other testing.

    I would say the only issue we really have is that Monty forgets his size sometimes and is still a bit keen to jump up at people or not concentrate when he's running at full pace which has resulted in a couple of incidents but we are working on this with his training.

    Good luck with the hunt and can't wait to see some pictures!!
  9. pam

    pam New Member

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    Wow how exciting a new boxer puppy nothing more mischievious and delightful than a boxer babe

    Like Carole has said look for a breeder who has a heart tested bitch and that has used a heart tested sire.lots of litters about at the moment from well established breeders,
    I also like to see puppies with nice bright eyes no signs of gunge or tear staining.

    Your puppy should be at least 8 weeks old before he leaves the breeder's premises.

    He should be well-grown with good bone, clean jacket and clear eyes.

    You should be able to see him with his mother.

    His parents should ideally both have been heart-tested clear ( 0 or 1 ) of Aortic Stenosis.

    You should receive a certificate or written confirmation of worming, the dates when this was carried out and what product was used.

    The breeder should give you a diet sheet for the puppy.

    Ask for written confirmation that your puppy is to be KC registered if the registration certificate is not available when you collect the puppy.

    You should automatically receive a 4 or 5 generation pedigree for the puppy from the breeder.

    Ask the breeder about veterinary insurance for your puppy.

    If you are buying a white puppy ask the breeder to confirm that it is not deaf. Usually white puppies are sold without any KC registration certificate, and should not be bred from. They are however, like any other Boxer and make great pets!

    you could tell your dad to contact the Kc and ask for a list of breeders and accredited breeders
  10. Vicki6344


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    Congratulations to your dad - can't wait to see photos :D
  11. youngstevie


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    Congratulations to your Dad.

    Looking forward to seeing all the photo's8)

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