My Border has lots of very silky fur and nearly no rough coat fur on most of his muzzle. Am I correct in assuming that no amount of hand stripping will change that. He just has that coat, yes?
Mine has grey silky hair as you described and has always been that way, however I do strip it when it starts getting long and comes out pretty much the way any other hair does.
@CaroleC - the OP has not been back since he first posted so there is no way of knowing whether his Border has been neutered.
Rosie never developed the typical wiry coat. She is blue and tan and I'm told it isn't too unusual for the coat to be softer. I clip her now. Doesn't take long and she doesn't mind it. She does hate to be bathed though
As far as mine, she was spayed. Her beard is soft and silky, but the rest of her is quite wirey. I've never heard of wirey beard.
I hadn't spotted that this was an old, - and overlooked - thread. I was only going to say that wire coats often become longer and softer after spaying.
Oh yes, I wouldn't bother commenting on threads that are 2 years old. I think @pjkobulnicky probably left by now. Jane xx
I never could understand the relevance of a thread being from yesterday, or ten years ago, or the literal aversion to commenting on it. Who cares? The information could still be useful to others even if the OP is long gone.