My local Tesco seems to have cleared away Frank's Diabetic Ice Cream to make way for Christmas goods. Bit disappointing bearing in mind one of their chosen charities this year is Diabetes UK!
I wondered why all the ice cream was sale priced everywhere, Doh! Some good bargains to be had - if the freezer wasn't always full!
On the subject of freezers, the evil mini Monster eventually realised that Food [do not forget the capital "F"] is kept in Pereg's freezer in the back room - well, her frozen chicken necks are, AND that other Food [do not forget the capital "F"] is kept in the fridge/freezer in the kitchen. So far she has not realised what is in the big freezer...
So this morning I went across to the macolet only to find NO soya milk. NO 0% fat yoghurt. NO 3% fat cottage cheese. NO diet orange or grapefruit squash. I have no idea what else was missing but by that time I had given up. Why? Because just before Rosh Hashana, our New Year, people stocked up for weeks. Well, the High Holy Days and then Festivals last for about four weeks and people had family visiting and whenever the macolet was open they rushed to buy more. And some companies, being closed for this day and that day, just ran out of stuff. As has the macolet. Oh, but I do have a stash of ice-cream although I am not sure why as I rarely fancy any.
Isn't that always the way. When you fancy something really naughty, all you find in the fridge is fruit! I think everyone should have a 'naughty' stash somewhere. Excuse my ignorance Malka but what is Rosh Hashana a celebration of? I like to learn about ethnic traditions and I can't recall hearing about this?
Jill - I live in Israel which might explain the current shortage. But with a very large refrigerator/freezer, a much larger upright freezer, plus the freezer I bought for Pereg's raw food - and a large larder cupboard for tinned/dry food, I should worry? Being disabled I cannot go out apart from just across the road on my chair, I buy in bulk and keep as much as I can so I do not have to worry. I still had a lot of Pereg's raw food when she had to be euthanised, and now that Tikki Tikva is on raw, all I have had to buy extra for her are chicken necks [Pereg had turkey necks but Tikki is a lot smaller than Pereg was]. I also have emergency dog food but that is not important as the poultry stall in the shuk [market] is owned by a couple who live just up the road from me, so all I have to do is telephone and it will be delivered fresh on their way home that evening. Chuck it in the refrigerator and the next morning pack things individually to freeze.
I always have fruit in the refrigerator as well as vegetables/salad etc, but I have no idea why I bought the icecream. Rosh HaShana is the Jewish New Year all over the world, not just an Israeli thing. Rosh means head, Ha means the, and Shana means year. This might interest you although it is an American site and tends towards some things I do not agree with or the way I spell them. But then I am not American!