Beagle Breed Seminar/Judging Assessment General Chat

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by Deccy, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Deccy

    Deccy New Member

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    Beagle Breed Seminar/Judging Assessment

    I'm booked in for 4th July! :shock:
    It's in Dublin and apparently we get certs from the UK KC as well as the IKC if we get through 8)
    I'm really looking forward to it; I had a Beagle many years ago (about 38 years ago, to be more precise) so I'd better look up the breed standard pronto! :grin: As they are in the same Group as Dalmatians I have been "keeping my eye in" for the past year. Being a table dog at least I won't have to bend down too much! :lol:
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