Australian Terriers - considering adopting two General Chat

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by BenjiesMum, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. BenjiesMum

    BenjiesMum New Member

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    Australian Terriers - considering adopting two

    Having recently lost my furry friend Benjie to liver cancer, I have been asked if I would consider adopting 2 Australian Terriers. Both 11 years old and in good health - spayed - innoculated and microchipped. Both bitches.
    They belong to a 90 year old retired Doctor who now is past being able to care for them. He has to go into a care home and would like them to spend their remaining years with someone who would love and care for them like he has.
    It is very lonely without Benjie and I do realise I will be very lucky not to get health problems with dogs of this age.
    They have both had Health checks at the Vets with good results and both have had dentals. I would appreciate any advise please.
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  3. MissE


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    Tough call. Only you know if you are ready to adopt again.

    I did adopt again within a week of losing my darling Spotty, because I am firmly of a mind if a dog needs my help, it may not be able to wait until all my grief is gone.
    For me, that was the best decision, because looking after four new paws helped my grief - but I recognise it is not for all.

    Good luck whatever you decide *hugs*
  4. Wanda

    Wanda New Member

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    I'm with MissE on this.

    However, just let me say that 11 years old isn't that old for a terrier. You could have health problems with any age group really.

    So in other words, its how you feel, nothing really to do with the dogs. Personally, I couldn't be without some paws round the house, but that's me, and only you can decide what's right for you.

    Good luck in your decision.

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