This is Jake, he's 8yrs old. Our old vet classed him as a pedigree Yorkshire Terrier (!) and always complained about his weight (he's about 8.7kg) saying he's too heavy for a Yorkie. Our new vet said Jake isn't overweight, he is simply a muscular little dog, and the weight is just muscle. He doesn't moult, we get him clipped. I've tried to find pictures of him clipped and also slightly more bouffant. Here's some photos: Sorry for so many!
I think yorkie and westie too but that could be because he is clipped like a Westie .... I think hes gorgeous!
Thanks guys, we think he's rather gorgeous too. Interesting that people see Westie in him - friends have previously suggested JRT, Lancs Heeler and Dachund (!) based upon his long back. Didn't realise he was clipped like a Westie, we just asked his groomer to tidy him up as he hates his shaggy look.
My guess would be Yorke x Jack Russell. I'm thinking jack russell due to his longish muzzle. Though he's not necessarily a straight cross. He could have a parent that's a crossbreed so for example he could have a Yorkie mum and a dad who's a Westie x Jack Russell. Who will ever know for sure but his mum and dad. ;-)
He reminds me more of an Australian Terrier .com-photo&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OP-JT4LIB8rD0QWR18i7CQ&ved=0CBwQsAQ&biw=768&bih=804
I would Yorkie with either some Westie, Jack Russel, Cairn, Norwich or Norfolk. Hmm lots of terriers! Whatever he is he looks gorgeous and a real character
Thanks everyone, some interesting replies, will look into breeds mentioned. Yes, he is a character and he looks just like a little teddy bear when he needs clipping. He's an ex-stray, no idea why no one claimed him as he's very sweet and adorable.