Anti Bsl Pictures BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Hayley SBT, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Anti Bsl Pictures

    Be nice to have a thread of your dogs under threat by the bsl
    (staffords, Gsd, Rotties, Bullmastiffs, ABs, Presa etc)
    Be a nice thread, if we could get enough pics maybe a dogsey anti bsl video? Up to azz i guess
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  3. Shona


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    I would be willing to help as much as poss, just let me know what you need and I will get to it, :grin:
  4. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Well if you know anyone who has a 'dangerous' dog that is a PAT dog or assistance dog or whatever then please get some piccies for us and spread the word.
    Thank you.
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I'm sorry but I think this is a very bad idea , do people really want their breed which at the present time is not included in the DDA or any BSL associated with it in any way?

    This is implying those breeds could be included in any future BSL , there is such a thing as 'guilt by implication'.
    I think people should be aware of adding to the unecessary mass hysteria.
  6. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    BSL is worldwide and many breeds are under it Minihaha, this is now an international forum i thought?
    Dobies, Rotties, GSDs, Pitbulls, Staffords, EBT, american bulldogs etc are all included!
  7. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hayley that may well be the case but the thing that concerns me just now is what happens to my friends with some breeds in this country.
    You say in your post ...

    ''Be nice to have a thread of your dogs under threat by the bsl(staffords, Gsd, Rotties, Bullmastiffs, ABs, Presa etc) ''

    as far as I am aware not all these breeds are under threat here at the moment, though they could well be in the future if some people keep hyping up a problem where none exists as yet.
  8. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    i give up minihaha just thought be a worthwhile thing to show our breeds in a different light.....
    I cannot be bothered to argue with you all the time!
  9. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hayley :) the whole idea of opposing BSL/DDA list is to have dogs removed from the list not to add to it.

    Hayley,I am bemused, you start threads about dog 'equipment' that reinforces peoples incorrect views about some breeds. A little while ago you started a thread in which you said 'these dogs were bred for fighting and if you remove their aggression you remove their spirit 'and you argued this assertion. I note your signature still states ''How can you truely love your breed when all you do is try and change it, because if you did truely love your breed you would not want to change any aspect of it..'' so you have obviously not revised your opinions.

    Then you come on here and talk about 'showing breeds in a different light' can you not see the irony here.
    It would seem when opposing BSL we are all fighting for one cause but not necessarily for the same reasons .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2007
  10. random

    random New Member

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    I thought it was a nice idea, but I see Mini's point too. How about pictures of ALL breeds, showing their softer side? (with children, PAT dogs, etc...)

    As ANY breed can bite, ANY breed can be your loyal and devoting companion.

    Just a thought as who knows who'll be on the list next? Could be the toy poodle if one killed a child....

    Just a thought anyway, I thought it may be nice to do a video of all different kinds of breeds doing good deeds. :mrgreen:
  11. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    My ending statement to you minihaha is
    dogs with the instinct to be dog agressive does not go hand in hand with human agression
    Pitbulls, stafford and EBTs where bred to fight other animals but adore human company, its worked for many years so there is no need to change what has and is working so well...
    Its the owners not the breed of dog
    I have nothing more to say to you minihaha
  12. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I agree Hayley :) dog and human aggression do not necessarily go hand in hand ,however the sort of people who share your views and allow dog aggression because they think ''Pitbulls, stafford and EBTs where bred to fight other animals, its worked for many years and there is no need to change it' often seem to be the sort of people who rear poorly bred dogs and fail to socialise their dogs correctly, this can lead to low tolerance levels in a dog and aggression towards both dogs and humans as we have seen in recent publicised events.

    I strongly disagree that 'its worked for many years and there is no need to change it' when breeders have worked tirelessly to breed out aggressive traits, this is the very attitude that contributed toward the introduction of the DDA in the first place. :-(
  13. IanTaylor


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    That I would agree with, be great to see many diff breeds of dogs showing how they really are in a proper, caring environment as opposed to the images we see in the press.

    Agree with Mini 100% too, why talk about breeds that so far are not under any threat. That kinda thing would just put the wrong ideas into the wrong heads. Much better to just show the dogs in a positive way without any mention of bans etc
  14. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    I'd be inclined to agree.

    I have dogs that are quite different to the ones you refer to but i'd not pop my head above the parapit if I didn't need to.

    Everybody here knows which breeds may be 'of the type' and there's plenty of space to enjoy owners great pictures within the forums already available.
  15. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    Not worth it I know the answer!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2007
  16. Willow

    Willow New Member

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    Can only echo Random :D
  17. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, If brought up correctly and bred properly then they are the living proof
    All the staffords I own/owned are fantastic with humans
    Ask many stafford owners this is your proof
  18. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    I`ve seen pit bulls & bullterriers used as rescue dogs, the pitbulls in Germany, the bullterrier in the States.
    The pitbulls were in a dog magasine at the time Germany adopted it`s own BSL.
    The bullterrier was on a programme onsky afew years back about dogs that do differrent and unusual jobs, that was about 3/4 years ago. Can`t remember the title, sorry.
  19. IHeartDoggyz


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    I see both your points of view...can i ask what breeds are actually under the bsl law??
    i own 2 staffies and a yorkie[ my yorkie is more a dangerous dog than my staffs ]
    Random i think your idea bout showing all dogs softer sides is a nice idea i have pics of my dogs cuddling there teddys and my little girl..[yes my big hard staffies lol dont go anywere without their teddy penguins!!! lol
    Mini you argue a very good point but also see Hayleys confused now!!
    Hayley can i ask are you saying that staffords ect were bred as fighting dogs so we should not try to change that?..thats what ive concluded from minis piece..if im wrong im sorry..just trying to understand.
    are staffies actually on the bsl or just pb and apb ect?
    thanks x
  20. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Breeds specificaly banned under the DDA are the Pitbull, Dogo Argentina & Japanese Tosa. It also states dogs of a pitbull type, whatever that means.
  21. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    Please correct me if i am wrong (which i am sure you will) but i thought the "bull" breeds were ORIGINALLY bred to bait bulls....hence the name, the dog fighting came later and is not what these dogs were specifically bred for.

    Banging on about them being "supposed" to be aggressive towards other dogs IMO is ignorant and will only escalate the fears people already have.

    Although i can see Hayleys point about showing these dogs in a diff light i find the comments you make (Hayley) to be very inconsistent. Any dog can be dog aggressive if allowed to be and anyone who feels oh well its how they are supposed to be are not IMO responsible enough to own a dog, any dog, in the first place.

    I have a Shar Pei which are also known as Chinese Fighting dogs, were they used for fighting? yes, is that what they were ORIGINALLY bred for?? NO!!!!!!!! Would i try to change him if Diesel was dog aggresive? of course i would!!

    Highlight it enough and they WILL be added to the DDA

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