Alaskan Huskies Photos

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by muttzrule, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Alaskan Huskies

    Okay folks! I braved the dustbunnies and the spiders in the garage to bring you these poor quality amateur photos of Alaskan huskies!

    Seriously though, I do appologize for poor photo quality. A combination of 15 year old me and a disposable point and shoot camera and then a dozen odd years in the garage resulted in some photos with much to be desired. Tried to crop them into something usable as best I could.

    This is one of the working teams used by the rangers in Denali National Park. These dogs (according to my notes) are classed as Alaskan Huskies.

    The sled dog team in Ketchikan had three or four dogs who were very houndy looking, with drop ears and short single coats. Those pics, of course, must be in a different box. Will upload when I find them.

    But, on to the Alaskan Huskies.




    (Also appologize for duplicates, I tended to take lots of pics of the same thing at that age)












    So, some of those dogs very traditional looking, others, a bit different. The fawn one with the black mask looks like an Akita crossed with a greyhound to me. Very weedy. A couple I would swear are collie crosses.

    They are all gorgeous! I do wonder though, what goes into the making of an "Alaskan Husky" Do they have their own breed club? Or is it more a "type" of dog, than a breed all its own.
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  3. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    great pics :) thanks for digging them out :)

    .... Alaskans are not a breed they are a 'type' exclusively used/bred for working :)
  4. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Great photos! :D

    I would say form would follow function with these dogs. They look to be purely working animals so whatever is lacking and/or is needed in the next generation would be added to get the most work out of them etc.
  5. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Ah! Thanks for clearing that up Layla. And Rips, indeed! These dogs could work too! Very keen in the harness! Lovely to watch.
  6. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Lovely pics :grin:

    My friend currently has 49 Alaskan Huskies. She has continued the breeding programme her father started many generations ago. The care and attention put into each mating to produce the next generation of working sled dogs would put some pedigree breeders to shame. It's fascinating listening to her.

    Thanks for sharing the pics :grin:

    Take care.

  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Fab pics thanks for sharing xxx Not sure about the way the dogs are presented but that is a different topic.
    What actually qualifies a dog to be called an 'Alaskan Husky'? And what is their beginning? Xx
  8. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    My friends are sibe/hound type. Bred to produce a working sled dog. Never for the pet market. Always for their working ability. I'll look out some pics. Hope you don't mind Muttzrule :grin:

    Take care.

  9. Adam P

    Adam P

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  10. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Not at all! Love sled dogs and would love more pics!

    As for the way they are presented, its perhaps misleading. They did a mushing demonstration and the dogs were too fast to get a good pic of, (I have about 2 dozen blurry photos of nothing.) So these are the ones that turned out. Otherwise, not sure what else is the problem? I think thats why the kennel area was so crowded, only good photo op. The dogs had a good kennel with straw, water and the chap in there was feeding them. I just assume this is the way working dogs are housed.
  11. spockky boy

    spockky boy New Member

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    Lovely pictures!
  12. Khasilooluv

    Khasilooluv New Member

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    very nice photos that you dug up!
    thanks for sharing!

    xo khasilooluv

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