My Airedale "Forrest" is driving me crazy when I watch my 9 month old granddaughter. He's been around her many times, but he just acts crazy when she's here. He is constantly pacing, looks anxious, but not mean. He's wanting to lick me all the time. What's up? Jealous ? Any thoughts out there? My Airedale is 7, 110 pounds, never been mean or aggressive in his life, great dog.
Thanks for your input. Yes he seems anxious but why? She's just a little baby. My husband thinks he jealous, but I don't think dogs can have that emotion.
You say that Forrest has been around your granddaughter many times but is now acting differently. Just ask yourself what has changed - could it be that now your granddaughter has started crawling/pulling herself up and is no longer just a wee babe that mostly sleeps? And maybe Forrest is just slightly worried that she might take your love away from him to give it to her? That is not jealousy - just maybe a feeling of worry?
He's always acted like this. Even though he's been around her many times. I let him get somewhat close to her, but he's a very big dog...Airedales are very powerful dogs, so I have real concern about close contact. He's my third Airdale. The other two never acted like this..The other two were males as well.
I can only suggest not letting Forrest near your grandbabby unless you are with him and her all the time.
Sounds to me like he is picking up on your anxiety , and does not know how to act or relax around the baby. You say you won’t ler him get to close , what do you do, are you constantly pushing him away shouting getting worked up, all of these things might be worrying him, , maybe when baby comes give him a quiet place to go and relax, give him a treat, and try not to exclude him to much, let him find his own pace around the baby, and try and relax yourself it might rub off on him. It goes without sYing you should never leave him alone with any child, that’s directed to all dogs not just yours,
I let him get close enough to sniff her, and when shes in her playpen I let him come in and hang with us. I want him inside with us and bring him in as much as I can. Maybe he just needs more time. I'll try giving him more attention when she's here. Thanks for advice, I'll work harder. Love my Airdale!