Breedia Dog Forum
Thank you!!
We used to have Chaos insured with Argos and they paid out on a couple of claims for her no problem. When we got Joey we changed to Virgin as they...
Gorgeous dogs everyone!! I have to say they are on my wish list!!
Wow wow Loki is stunning!!! Such gorgeous colour eyes!!
What an adorable little girl she is!!! :007:
They are both gorgeous! Your Diesel looks just like our Chaos with the same facial markings even down to the diamond on his head (although Chaos'...
Thank you! :grin:
Ah bless you! Thank you!! I didn't think I posted often enough to be missed!! ;-)
Thanks guys!
Gorgeous pics everyone of stunning dogs! Just wanted to share our baby girl Chaos! She is 3½ years old now. She is very nervous of strangers but...
Vinnie is gorgeous! He looks like our boy Joey! :grin:
Thank you!! ;-)
Loving all the pics guys!! Everyone's dogs are soooo scrummy!!! :grin: Here is Joey. He is a rottie x not really sure!! Maybe lab or collie...
OMG cute overload!!! :007:
He is stunning!! :007:
Thanks Liz!! :-)
We were introduced to the NI breed by friends of ours and totally fell in love. The rest is history really!! We have Chaos who is nearly 3. She...
Whatever he is he is just soooooooo cute!!! :007:
ROFL!! If OH's nan ever moans about our two being on the sofas again I'll tell her it could be worse!! ;-)
Thank you!