Breedia Dog Forum
Please hlep these dogs If you haven’t already heard - the Irish Greyhound Board are proposing to export greyhounds and set up a greyhound racing...
There were 8,672 greyhounds registered to race on licensed tracks last year. It costs the RGT on average £750 to re-home just one greyhound....
So what is your solution?
As you well know - the funds are there to ensure the welfare of greyhounds when tracks close. It is the industry's responsibility to ensure the...
Oh :shock: In post #16 you said 'I have no firm opinion, so I decided to post this view to canvas other peoples opinions' Make your mind up...
Very concerning that the perpetual destruction of 12,000 greyhounds annually - deemed surplus to the requirements of the industry - does not make you...
In response to 'An alternative Opinion' I cannot speak for other groups – only that of Greytexploitations as the coordinator and for me -...
The slow trickle of hounds being put into rescues as trainers call it a day can be easily managed by the greyhound re-homers. What planet are you...
No? You wont correct the duplicate and triplicate entries for the same greyhound on your list? Why not? Surely you wouldn't want to create a false...
*SJ* Your reply would be very impressive - that is of course -if the GBGB had any intentions of enforcing any other of their rules apart from ones...
Owners and trainers have 6 options when filing a Retirement Form under Rule 18. Not only can they claim a greyhound has died of 'Natural Causes'...
What would you like me to do with it? Email Declan Donnelly and congratulate him 10 owners are complying with the industry's Rules of Racing?...
I wasnt asking you to 'justify' your actions - I was asking what you did to improve welfare for greyhounds. Strange you should consider the answer...
Yes indeed and its the 'antis' who get accused of using emotive words and propagating untruths. What goes around comes around - :069:
The industry already claim and quote in their approximate figures that about 2,000 greyhounds are kept by their owners or trainers. How will you...
The 'anti brigade' actually managed to account for all the dogs following Walthamstow's closure. The GBGB with the backing of a multi billion...
Because you started the thread which promotes anything else than a data base which would provide clarity in the number of greyhounds destroyed -...
Excellent post - what do you say to that *SJ*?
So who can? Are they involved in the racing industry - would they have a vested interest in seeing this data base grow and where do the people who...