Breedia Dog Forum
My labs always had ear probs and thornit solved them.However haven't had expericne of a growth hun:grin:
An evening primrose capsule per day:grin:
My 2 are generally fine with other dogs, unless they have their space invaded by them running up offlead.Candy is fine when i walk her on her own,...
Anne she is absolutely gorgeous!!im glad she's getting on ok in her new home!!:)
she's gorgeous!!:grin: :grin:
aww anne theyre soo cute!!:grin: :grin:
ooh i think ive seen him too, was it in the preston pets at home alex?i love boston terriers too!! :grin: :grin:
An evening primrose oil capsule every day and mine are all gleaming!! :grin: :grin:
ooh i love abbies collar, where's it from? :grin:
compared to my 2 labs my 2 staffs have much more powerful jaws and stronger cheek muscles so they literally do latch on and cling on when fighting,...
I've heard of em hevvur:(:(
aww theyre gorgeous, have seen angel before shes lovely :D
The original question was valid, i didnt say it wasnt pete!!its just all the bickering and backbiting thats getting boring !! :wink:
as if it matters what anyone else thinks of our dogs , this is getting very tedious.of course we all love our own dogs, and all staffies are gorg!!i...
ill try and catch her tonight, her dog is soo cute but my lot hate him cos they think hes invading their territory cos shes just moved in :D :D
my neighbours got one and i think she got him from coventry, i can ask if you like :D
aww cassy looks so lovely and proud on that one laura!! :D :D :D
i think i have enough of my own nae!!4 dogs!! :shock:
aww jas IS perfect nae!! :D
lol wanna fight!! :D :D :D we all think our babies are the best, its like with kids!!lol :D