Breedia Dog Forum
[img] Cain, and his brother were bought as guard dogs sadly zack passed away 1month ago....Cain must be the most pampered guard dog in the world,...
[img] Mastiff X...Cain 8months
Well i stand by my post archer im sorry if u dont like it...but all im doing is voicing my opinion of a dog in a pic...just like u were
gameness and agression are in my opinion not the same...although u will get some member's who dont know any better saying that it is.....this is a...
do u think gameness and agression are the same thing
Pete ..i wouldnt disagree with u m8, but these dogs are not the norm for winning kc dogs.....have u actually seen these dogs doing the 10miler's....?
well in what context do u mean agressive dogs ?
who mentioned agressive dogs lel...this is a popular misconception.......
Show labs...yuup...very prone to H/D not being able to do the job their field working brother's could do.....u seem to miss my point Archer, and that...
well in days gone by lel, most staffs were owned by folk that used them for what they were bred for.....a common myth is that all workin dogs are...
LEL...iv bin involved with dogs for......naw that cant be right...i dont feel that old !....i judge myslef very fortunate in as much as iv seen both...
Aint got a gripe about with KC dogs per say...just people who breed unhealthy animals ...with serious health probs...i'v seen some excellent kc...
what these judges have.....god forbid they award certs to dogs they have bred...part own...belong to friends....naw that wouldnt...
only used him as an example of what is wrong with a lot(not all) show bred dogs lel ...the majority of show dogs that are winning would fall into...
Well, once again im just in from work and catching up on the recent posts on this subject, well so far it seems that opinion are split...those that...
[img] I suppose this one is aimed at the member's who show their staffs....we'v had some good examples of the taller dogs ..and we'v heard...
Now the owner of that bitc,h...well thats what i'd call skinny !!!
Archer, ur dog without doubt looks a fit healthy dog.....i like him, im sure somewhere along the way wires were xed....there's no point in arguing...
Well im just in from work..and trying to catch up on the new posts regarding the condition of the animal i posted...(red pied) and the elbows of the...
[img] Hey Laura, here's a pic of the dam... o own this bi, m8 owns the father....i dont really want to get into an argument over this,...