Breedia Dog Forum
And I still can't do 'edit' hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Thank you Malka dearest, that's exactly what I was trying to do but in my post it ended up as some sort of code thingy, never mind, people can see it...
Hi Azz, yes there is something there and when I 'click' on it a photo of Rianna does appear so I just have to remember that when I release the left...
And the 'edit' button isn't working !!!
Oh gawd, despite the phot disapperaing when releasing the left mouse button it IS showin after I hit the reply button, I don't get that at all. Also...
"You can either drag a photo from your PC into the reply box" Testing, testing Hmmm, didn't work, one more try:- Well I give up, I draqgged a photo...
I would totaly agree, in my opinion the breed club is the first place to start when researching which type of dog to get. Yes it would be nice if...
Well that makes four Newfies that don't like water :lol: Our two are not keen either, Baruska once fell in our pond when doing zoomies around it with...
Lovely looking dog, we see a lot of GSD's around here, sadly many are not properly looked after and not socialisd at all, 'tho thankfully deliberate...
I wonder if the Levenson enquiry wil get around to asking why papers like the Mail continualy use library photos to enhance their jaundiced view of...
Well we have two Newfoundlands and I think they are definately classed as large :!: Two hundred years ago a team of six could haul 300 ft. trees to...
Yes, it's all about money grabbing unprincipalled ignorant humans. Just for the record it's a known fact that they do eat them and it's also a...
Yes, I can see it, and the other one opened when I cicked on the link, lovely dog, I'm enjoying this threadd :grin:
I agree, it's their personality that shows. Great thread Jenny
She looks lovely, 8 weeks is just so nice for a puppy, they learn so much in the next 10 weeks, so enjoy her she'll soon be much bigger and braver.
We're the same opinion, would never ever sell any of the dogs we've had.
Ah yes the 'Fearsome mouse hunting puppy' that was the one, had another look and still laughing :lol: :grin: Bit pushed for time now but will go...
Allegedly the browns are the craziest of all three Newfie types, I've only met a few but I would not disagree with that :-) How is Kismet :?: I...
You might also observe that they will confront each other with fore legs on the ground and bum in the air, apparently (according to many on here)...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh yes, know all about that :lol: :lol: :lol: The really nice thing with Baruska is that after being a bit of a problem dog at...